Chapter 30

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Note: All places, restaurant or whatever it is, it's all based on my research! So if i'm wrong, forgive me and correct me! And credits to the internet huhu! And this may be a long chapter but i hope you babies like it! The whole trip, do expect long chapters!

Enjoy Babies❤️

Ji Sae's P.O.V

-DAY 1-

Jeju!!! We reached here just 30 minutes ago. We took a private plane. So yeah. We're eating now, because the hunger is no joke.

Jungkook rented a car which is awesome. No need for taxis or whatever. "Done?" - he asked. I nodded. I take a sip of my water and got up. He got up as well and went to the cashier to pay.

After that, we walk to our rented car. "We'll get to our hotel first then, we can go out again and do lots of activities!" - he said happily.

I smile with a nod. I look out of the window. It took awhile to reach the hotel. We checked in the hotel and went to our room. We walk in the room and i smiled. It was nice. It has a small living room, a king sized bed, balcony with an amazing view!

"You like it?" - Jungkook asked. I nodded.

"We'll leave in another hour. So, rest for now." - he said as he give me a peck on my cheeks and went to the bathroom. I went to the balcony and looked at the calming, beautiful view of the beach. The wind blows smoothly, touching my skin. My hair flying in a slow motion.

I take my phone from my pocket and dialed Hed'd number. "Yes, Ma'am." - he answered after a few rings.

"Good job. Thank you for the security. I don't want any fans to know." - i said. The 4 was in my private jet but they were with the captain.

"No problem, Ma'am." - he said.

"You better be aware of everything. Get it? Anything, call me. And when i come back, Hayley's new shop should be open." - i said.

"Alright Ma'am." - he said. I hummed and ended the call. I keep my phone back in my pocket. I went to the bed and rest.

1 hour later...

Since Jungkook said to use comfortable. So i used short jeans and a long sleeve black and white stripes tshirt. Good thing this short jeans can hide my tattoo well. I walk out of the bathroom and saw Jungkook waiting for me.

"Baby, too short." - he said. I frowned.

"Too short? What's too short?" - i asked.

"Your shorts are too short, baby. Change. Quick. I don't want guys to see your body." - he said, taking my jeans and pushing me back to the bathroom.

"But it's not even short! It's still okay!" - i yelled from the bathroom.

"Change baby! I said i don't want people to see your body. Only me!" - he yelled back. I frown. Why is he so annoying today? It's not even so short.

I change to the ripped jeans that Jungkook gave me. I went out of the bathroom and Jungkook smile wide. He wanted to hug me but i walk away. "Baby~." - he called with his whining voice. I can feel him pouting now.

"What?" - i answered. I felt his arms hugging me from behind and his chin on my left shoulder.

"Only me and no one else gets to see those. Only me. You're mine." - he said to my ears. It gives me goosebumps. He give me a peck on my cheeks and smile. He take my hand.

"Let's go." - he said. I grab my small bag. The both of us head out of the hotel and got in our rented car.

"Where should we go first?" - he asked.

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