Chapter 35

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I got up by the alarm that i set yesterday night. I stretch my arms out and yawned. I look to my left and found Jungkook still sleeping. He's so cute when he's sleeping. I lean in closer and give him a peck, without him knowing.

I felt his hand, pulling my head, not letting go of the kiss. He broke the kiss and pull me into a hug. "Good Morning, Princess." - he said in his husky voice.

"Good Morning, baby." - i said back.

"Why are you up so early?" - he asked.

"I gotta make your breakfast." - i said.

"I'll buy McDonalds than." - he suggested. I shook my head.

"I'll cook. You can continue sleeping. When i'm done, i'll wake you up." - i said. He give a sigh and nod. I got up and take a shower. After i'm done, i put on a sweatpants and a random oversized tshirt. I head out of my bathroom, and saw Jungkook is sleeping.

So i went out of my room, slowly, not making any noise. I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for the both of us. I'm making pancakes, bacon, omelette.

My phone rings. It's Jungkook's mom. I answered it. "Hello? Eomeoni?"

"Oh Ji Sae-ya! How are you?" - Eomeoni answered back with her cheerful voice.

"I'm fine! How about you?"

"Good to know. I'm good to! So, how was your honeymoon?" - she asked.

"It was fun! We did lots of things!" - i said with a smile. I continued talking to Eomeoni while cooking. After that, we ended the call. I place the food that i cook on the dining table. I went back to the kitchen, taking 2 glasses and pour milk.

I place both of them at the dining table. I make my way to my room, to wake Jungkook up. "Ju- i mean Baby? Baby, wake up. I'm done making breakfast for us." - i said. Jungkook give me a hum.

"Baby! Quick!" - i exclaimed. He got up immediately. I giggled. He got shocked. I push him off the bed and push him to the bathroom. While waiting for him to bathe, i clean up my bed. I take a seat, and used my phone. I decided to text Hed and ask about the kids, etc.

I heard my bathroom door opened. Jungkook walk out of my bathroom, shirtless, with wet hair. He's drying his hair with his towel. I'm blushing over his body. I think he didn't see me because i'm sitting at my balcony. He sit down on my bed, still drying his hair.

So he's back is facing me. What's that? Red long marks. And bruised. I got worried, so i got up and walk towards him. I place my hand on his back, where the long red marks were.

"Aigoo! You shocked me baby." - he said, panting a little.

"What happen to your back?" - i asked, hands still on his back.

"Nothing. - he plainly said.

"Tell me the truth, Jeon Jungkook." - i said.

"Remember that night?" - he asked.

"There's a lot of night. Which one?" - i asked back.

"The night where we had -"

"Don't mention that word. But yeah. Why?" - i cut him.

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