Chapter 36

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I got my new number already. And i'm so happy because no asses would disturb my life anymore. Today, Jungkook start his idol life back. While i'm starting my gangster life back also.

I'm done cooking breakfast for us. So i went to his room and wake him up. We exchange room everyday. Yesterday, in his room. Tonight, in my room. And it continues. "Baby~" - i called as i crawled on his bed.

"Wake up. You have schedules. You don't want to late and disappoint your fans, baby." - i said to his ears.

"Hmm..." - he hummed. This kid. I caught his ears with my teeth and bite on it, pulling his earring.

"Ah ah! Ouch!!!" - he screamed, immediately getting up. And his earring is those round ones with loops or something like that. He caressed his ear.

"Good baby boy. Now, go and take your shower." - i said while smiling. I got up, wanting to leave but Jungkook pulled my wrist. Making me fall on his bed, pinning me down.

"You think you can get away with what you did?" - he asked, looking in my eyes, serious.

"Urm.. derh." - i said plainly. I pushed him away with all my strength and he fell on the other aide of the bed. I want to get up but he pulled me again, hard this time.

"No way." - he said with a smirk. Before i could do anything, he kissed me passionately, roughly. He found my lower lips and biting on them.

"Urgh! It hurts!" - i yelled. He giggled. He give me kisses on my cheeks, jawline and neck. And it tickles. I laughed while he's busy kissing. He went back to my lips and kiss me. After that, he broke it and smiled.

"Good morning yeobo." - he said, still smiling.

"Morning baby." - i greet him back while smiling too. He make me sit up and pulled me into a hug.

"Tsk. Go and take your shower. You're gonna be late." - i said, pushing him away. He chuckled and nods. He got up, give me a peck before walking to his bathroom. Totally in love with him, i thought to myself. I got up, clean his bed and went downstairs.

I went to the kitchen, taking our glasses and pour milk. Soon, Jungkook came. I smiled. We sit at the dining table and have breakfast. "What time you're coming home today?" - Jungkook asked.

"Not sure. I'll see how it goes." - i said. After breakfast, Jungkook have to go early so yeah. While waiting for his manager to arrive, he went upstairs to fix his earring. I stayed downstairs.

I heard a horn. And saw a car coming in. "Baby!!!" - i yelled.

"Yes! Why??" - Jungkook answered from his room.

"Your manager hyung is here! Quick!!" - i yelled. I heard running footsteps from upstairs. And then, Jungkook running to the door.

"Baby! Wait!" - i called, getting up, running to him. He's already outside. Tsk! He didn't hear me. I run faster and pulled his arm. He stop and face me. Which his face is damn near to mine.

"What is it?" - he asked while panting. I give a smile. He smiled back. I cup his face using both my hands and kiss him.

I broke it and smile. "Take care. I'll miss you." - i said.

"And?" - he asked.

"And what?" - i asked back.

"You know what is it."

I know what he meant. "I love you." - i said. He smiled wide.

"You take care too. Don't be naughty. I'm gonna miss you too. And i love you very much." - he said, still smiling. He give me another kiss. He broke it and give me a wink. I blushed. He make his way to his manager's car and they drove off. I'll be going off late, so i went back inside and sit in the living room.

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