Chapter 12

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

"What?" - i answered a call.

"Ma'am, Black Diamonds are on their way to make trouble in our location." - Hed said.

"What?! Gather the kids! I'll be there!" - i yelled and ended the call. I got up quickly, take a quick shower. I put on white ripped jeans, white cage bra with black leather jacket. And black boots. I let my hair go. Then i grab my black skull clutch bag and run to my car.

I drive to Hongdae where they will be. Cause those stupid jerks don't know where is my office. Black Diamonds, are our ememy. They killed my little brother, Kim JiSoo. Yes, i have a little brother but he didn't get to survive long.

With that, i shot the wife of the boss from Black Diamond. Not only that, i made dirty things on their location. I destroy their shops. But, that was a long time ago. I decided to stop when i got a dream of JiSoo. He told me not to hurt them anymore. If i continue, i'll have bad luck. Which is why i stopped.

But since these jerks wanna break in. I got no problem pulling a trigger again. I stopped at the street where they will be making a mess. I met my kids at the restaurant. I put on Rayban's Clubmaster shades.

I chewed on a strawberry chewing gum. And waited for signals. They have no idea we're here. Cause they are stupid. I mean they didn't check whether my location is clear. I scoffed. I heard screaming and shots of guns. I heard it again and again. I look at Hed and Seung Yoon and nodded.

The both of them got up, bringing their kids out of the restaurant, approaching Black Diamonds. They bring long wooden blocks. I called Jong Hae. "Now." - i said.

"Yes, Ma'am." - he said and ended the call. I saw him with Kwang Dae walk past the restaurant i'm in with their kids. They have machete. Black Diamonds, you made a wrong move. (A/N: for your info, even oxford dictionary uses 'parang'. I am not pinoy for god sake. I am Singaporean! So there's nothing funny about it gdi! Y'all dont need to know my race, just know I'm a Singaporean okay!)

I got up and join them from behind. I put in my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket, chewing the gum. I smirked, listening their conversations.

"Why the hell are you here?" - I heard Hed asked.

"I'm not happy with your boss!" - Black Diamond new boss yelled. His name is Park JinHyun.

"He killed my mom!" - JinHyun yelled again. I scoffed. Yeah, this is her son.

"Tell me now! Where is Kim Ji Sae?!" - he yelled again. I cleared my throat, loud enough for everybody to hear. They made a way for me to walk forward. I stopped in front of JinHyun and smirked.

"I'm here already." - i said, smirking while still chewing on my gum. I pull my raybans upwards, pulling my fringe upwards and stop when it reach my crown. JinHyun laughed.

I had my straight face. "Oh wo! Didn't know Ji Sae is a girl!" - JinHyun teased which made his kids laughed. I join in the laughter with small laughs. Stupid enough.

He stopped and gave me a glare. "You killed my mom. I'm killing you." - he said with a smirk.

"Your dad, killed my little brother. Should i kill you then?" - i asked with a smirk.

"I guess so." - he said. He pulled a trigger and pointed it right in front of my face with a smirk. My eyes followed his gun with a smirk.

"One, two -"

"Three." - i cut him and stab his stomach. His gun fell. I stab hard and deep. Blood flowing. He gave a signal to his kids. His kids run towards us and start to have a war with me and my kids.

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