Chapter 20

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

The same night...

"Aigoo." - i said to myself. The kids were running around, jumping, just everywhere.

"Ya ya! The 11 of you! Come here!" - i yelled. Which shut everybody up. The kids stop, and made their way to me.

"What have i told you about being noisy? Especially in front of guests?" - i asked with a frown. Their heads down.

"Have you greeted those uncles?" - i asked. They kept quiet, head still hanging low.

"Answer me." - i said, trying to control myself.

"N-no Aunt J-ji Sae." - one of them answered, stuttering.

"Then? Greet them. Now." - i said. They immediately walk their way to BTS and gave a bow and greeted them. After they are done, they walk back to me.

"Follow me." - i said, walking to the side of the dining room. Well, this dining room is huge. It's like a living room. So there's another big dining table. Together theres 2 big dining table. I made the kids sit on the other dining table.

"Eat quietly. Don't make me do any punishment for you guys right here." - i said. All of them nodded immediately.

"Baby, come sit next to me." - Jungkook said. And his voice was kind of stuttering. I make my way to him and take my seat next to him.

"Ji Sae, they are kids." - eomma said.

"Eomma, it's a respect thing. Not because they are kids." - i said. Well, BTS was quiet. They didn't say a word.

"Why do you guys look scared?" - i said to them.

"Ah no." - Jin said with a smile. The others smiled too. We eat dinner, not in silence. A lot of conversations that i don't know which one to answer.

"Ji Sae, Jungkook." - appa called. Which everybody's eyes stopped and look at him with full of focus. Everybody stop talking as if, appa called them.

"Yes appa." - me and Jungkook answered.

"When will we have grandchildren?" - appa asked. It fucking choked myself, i was drinking my drink.

"Aigoo Ji Sae-ya!" - eomma nagged. Jungkook take a tissue, give it to me as he caress my back. Okay. What the heck?! Omg! Why must appa ask me and Jungkook that, when my siblings are here and when BTS are here? I wanna hide in a freaking hole. Like serious shit.

I got back to my senses. "Are you okay?" - Jungkook asked. I nodded. I sit up straight. Appa is still looking at me.

"So?" - appa asked.

"Yeah Jungkook, Ji Sae. We're getting old." - abeoji, Jungkook's dad said.

I look at Jungkook as he just look at me with no expression. "We'll think about it." - Jungkook said out of sudden. I widen my eyes. To be very honest, the whole time i'm married with Jungkook, i never thought having any kids.

Like serious shit. Like i say, the company is all i think about. Jungkook gave me a smile. A smile not a smirk, thank god.

After we're done eating, all of us head to the living room. The boys, playing with the 11 kids, me sitting alone, thinking on what appa asked just now.

I think Jungkook saw my face, so he walk to me and sit next to me. He give a peck on my cheeks and smiled. I don't know why, but it makes me a little less relieve. Does that even make sense bruhh. "What's wrong?" - he whispered.

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