Chapter 10

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

2 weeks past. I swear to god, the first week, i got so bored and annoyed. Each day, we go out. We went out to just eat, talk and spend hours in the restaurants then we will go some random place to see a beautiful view of Seoul.

It's tiring, especially with Jungkook always being so clingy and cheesy. But by all means, no lies, it was fun. I get to rest my brain too. Good thing that Hed didn't call me. Means theres no problem at work.

I got up early and bathe. I put on black jeans and a green plain shirt. I use my black flats. When i'm done, i grab my car keys and went out of my room. I lock it and went downstairs, to the kitchen.

I take a glass of milk and drink it. I grab some bread and spread it with strawberry jam. I sit down on the dining table and eat my breakfast peacefully.

Suddenly i felt ticklish on my neck. And it felt cold too. I brush it away but it continues. I was about to turn to see what it was but i felt someone lips on my cheeks.

"Morning Baby~" - Jungkook said with a smile. It was him. I gave him a glare. He sit next to me. He take my glass of milk and drink it. He even take one of my bread and eat it.

"Ya!" - i yelled.

"What??" - he asked while chewing the bread.

"Stop stealing my food! Go make your own!" - i yelled while giving him a glare. He smiled.

"Nahh i want to eat all the food you make for your own. And will make it mine." - he said. I hit him on his head.

He did the same to me playfully. My blood rises m. I push him harshly and that made him fall off from the chair m. I rolled my eyes and continue eating.

"Ahh it hurts." - i heard him mumble. I ignored. I was expecting him to get up on his own and disturb me back. But he didn't. I turn my head to him and he was caressing his back.

He wanted to get up but fall immediately. I got panicked. So i quickly help him up and make him sit on the chair. Suddenly he put his hands on his chest. He started to caress it and keep on saying it hurts. His breathing wasn't normal.

I panicked more. Please don't have a heart attack. "Jungkook? Jungkook! Please!" - i yelled. I don't know what to do!

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" - i yelled again. I put my hands to his chest and he pushed away. I put back my hands on his chest and felt his heart. Our faces are inches away but i don't care.

Suddenly Jungkook stopped. "You do love me, don't you?" - he teased while smiling. I moved away and gave him a death glare.

"Jeon Jungkook!!" - i yelled. He laughed.

"Aww i love you too baby." - he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be home by 9 today. Don't miss me too much." - Jungkook said while smirking. I rolled my eyes. He got up and walk up to me.

"I'll go now. Byee. Love you baby!" - he said cheerfully. I was about to fix my hair but i felt someone's lips on mine. JEON JUNGKOOOOK!!!!!!

I pushed him away but he put his arms around my waist, still lips on mine. I keep on pushing him but he won't move. I got no choice but to kiss him back. I felt him smile between the kiss and i quickly push him away. Jungkook quickly run away.

While i'm still in the kitchen, annoyed and angry. I wipe my mouth with my arms with a frown. Annoying kid. I wash the plate and glass. I wipe them and my hands too. I grab my car keys and lock the door. I got in my car and drive off to work. And my office is so far away from my new house! Urgh!

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