Chapter 23

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"Jungkook." - i heard Ji Sae's voice as i felt a tap on my arm. I slowly open my eyes.

"Are you okay?" - she asked. I nodded. I coughed as she caress my back.

"Here, drink." - Ji Sae said as she gave me a glass of water. I take it and drink it slowly. After i'm done, i put it aside. Ji Sae's phone rings.

"Wait, i gotta answer this call. Lay down." - she said. I nodded and lay down. She went to my balcony and answer the call. I can't quite hear what she said but at the same time, i shouldn't be hearing.

"Ya!" - she yelled. It scared the hell out of me, that i jumped a little. I thought she yelled at me. But actually, she yelled at the person who called her.

"Are you deaf?! I said my husband is sick! I need to take care of him! He needs me! Go handle them! Useless brats!" - she yelled through the phone again and hit her left hand on the railing.

I smiled when she yelled that. She cares for me. Her hand must have hurt. "Baby." - i called. She turn her head immediately and make her way to me.

"You need anything? Why? You're hungry? I made breakfast already." - she said, looking in my eyes. I giggled.

I grab her left hand and massage them. "Don't hit your beautiful hand. It must have hurt right? Don't hurt yourself." - i said. She gave a small smile.

"You should bathe. I'll bring you breakfast." - she said. I nodded. She stand up and left. I got up slowly, because my body was aching. I make my way to the bathroom and take a shower. It was so cold, so i take a hot shower.

After i'm done, i put on my clothes, with my towel on my head. I sit on my bed and dry off my hair using the towel. I heard a knock.

"You're done?" - Ji Sae asked.

"Yeah." - i answered. She open the door and got in my room. She place the tray on my nightstand.

"I made you porridge. And you must eat it." - she warned.

"Feed me after i finish wiping my hair." - i said. She nodded. Ji Sae walk towards me, taking the towel and help me wipe my wet hair. She take the towel, hanging it on her right shoulder. She take my hair dryer and blow dry my hair. I sit still, watching every movement she make.

Her touch is gentle. After she's done, she turn off the dryer. She take the bowl of porridge and sit on my bed. I sit next to her, waiting for her to feed me. She take a spoonful of porridge and turn to me. I place my mouth near the spoon. I open my mouth and choked right away.

Ji Sae panicked. She put the bowl back on the nightstand and take the glass of water and give it to me. I drink it and swallowed properly.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know it taste bad! Oh god!" - Ji Sae said, panic. I waved my hand, saying no.

"It was hot." - i said between my breathe. She hit my arm.

"Aish! Blow first!" - she nagged. I nodded as i got back to my senses. She feed me till the porridge is finished. After that, she carry the tray and went to the kitchen. While i'm left here, in my room, alone.

I turn on the tv and watch a random drama. Soon, my eyes got heavy. I close my eyes and went to sleep.

Ji Sae's P.O.V

I left Jungkook alone in his room. I look at the watch and it's almost noon. I should start cooking for him. I decided to cook soups since his throat is in pain. I sighed to myself. I got so worried when he was sick.

Poor him. I'll take care of him this time. He always takes care of me when i was limping the other day.

Fast forward...

Done! I'm finally done cooking. I wash my hands and wipe my hands with a dry cloth. I should check on what Jungkook is doing. I went upstairs and open his door slowly.

He's sleeping. I got in, close his door and shook my head. I turn off the tv and put the control aside. I pull the blanket over him and fix his pillow. Slowly, putting my hand behind his neck and lift his head. I grab another pillow and place it below his head.

I slowly place his head on the pillow. My legs trip on itself, i don't know how, i end up falling on top of Jungkook. He let out a small annoyed groan. He open his eyes and saw me. He close back his eyes.

"What's wrong, baby? It's the second time you fall on top of me." - he said in his husky voice. I got up and fix my hair.

"I don't mean to wake you up. I just wanted to fix your pillow but my legs trip on itself." - i said playing with my fingers, looking at them. He let out a giggle.

"Put me to sleep please." - he said. I walk to the other side of the bed and sit next to him. He lay down on my lap.

"Why on my lap?" - i asked.

"I don't want you to go when i'm asleep." - he said. He look directly in my eyes and smiled.

"Sleep. You need rest." - i said. He nodded and close his eyes. I started to caress, playing with his hair. Soft and smell so soft. Minutes later, he fell asleep. On my lap.

Look at him. So cute. Handsome. I'm so stupid. Like serious shit. Why can't i just say those words? Why can't i just admit that i love him? Why? In my heart, yes i know, i'm in love with him. A little.

Like i say, i'm willing to open my heart. But, why can't i even show it? I don't know how to show them to him. Tsk Ji Sae. Look at him, he's so innocent. Work it Ji Sae. Don't be an idiot. This guy love you so much. Don't let him go. Treasure him. Keep him.

Hello!!!! Yes another update! Because THANKS TO BIG BANG! Okay thank them that i decided to update again today! Any VIPs?! OH SHIT!

'FXXK IT' IS SOOOO LIT! I'M FKNG ADDICTED!!! Last Dance and Girlfriend is lit too! But i love Fxxk It more😂 Like i say, Big Bang is my first ever kpop group and will always be my first. My love for them is strong asf. G-Dragon is my first man.

You babies are so cute. Want me to update fast😂okay! Next update will be 2 days before Christmas Eve! If i have a good mood, i'll update earlier😉

Follow my BTS series! Make sure you're on the right track! The stories have links with each other!

BTS Series:
1st Book - Married A Gangster(JK)
2nd Book - Love Hate(SUGA)
3rd Book - Just One Day(JM) -soon-
4th Book - Makeup Artist(JHOPE) -soon-
5th Book - <planning>
6th Book - <planning>
7th Book - <planning>

Twitter: @/kwonkimminjeon

13/12/16, 13th December 2016


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