Chapter 45

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I've been crying every night. It's been 4 days. I miss my baby so much. I called her but she didn't answer it. I tried calling her again, today, her phone died. Where could she be? I need her. I have to explain a lot of things.

If she want a divorce, i'll cry more. I can't lose her. She's the one that gives me a lot of strength. I can't even focus on practice now. My mind is always on her. Her beautiful smile always flash in my mind. Her cute laugh, cute hands, just her. I miss her cooking too.

I screwed up big time. I sighed. My hyungs have been sleeping over my house now. Just to accompany me. I'm thankful for that but it doesn't feel complete without Ji Sae. Where are you, baby? I even cleaned her room. The stuff that flew around her room, i clean it up for her.

"Jungkook, come and eat." - Jin hyung called. He's been cooking a lot for me now. We're all in my house. We have no schedule for today. So we decided to stay at home. I sighed and got up, walking to the dining table. Joining my hyungs to eat.

These few nights, we've been searching for her. Almost everywhere but, nothing. I sighed. I wanna give up but i can't. She's mine and i need her.

After eating, we went to the living room and watch a random drama that's playing. I can't watch. It reminds me of Ji Sae. We always watch dramas together. And i've been calling her appa a lot. To ask his condition and if Ji Sae visited. But i didn't make it obvious.

Just remembering her, my tears roll down my cheeks. Baby, come back home please. I miss you badly. I'm so sorry too. I lay down, facing the balcony and closed my eyes. More tears flow.

Jimin's P.O.V (?)

"Hyung, i pity Jungkook so much." - i said with a sigh. Jungkook is sleeping right now.

"All of us do, Jimin-ah." - Yoongi hyung said and sighed. The other hyungs nodded, agreeing with Yoongi hyung.

"I wonder where did Jis went." - Taetae said.

"Let's just hope she didn't go far like out of the country." - Namjoon hyung said. Really hope she didn't.

"Heol." - Taetae said.

I heard someone unlocked a door. "Hyung!" - Taetae whispered. All eyes looked to the door. It was all quiet after that.

"What are you doing?" - someone asked. I look to my right and widened my eyes.


"Shh!! My baby is sleeping." - she shushed us, looking at Jungkook.

"How'd -"

"Let's talk upstairs." - she said. We went to the second floor and sat down.

"How did you enter? Because obviously that front door didn't open." - I asked.

"My room." - she said.

"You climbed?" - all of us asked in unison with wide eyes.

"Yeah. I tied a long cloth the other time to run away. And it's still there." - she said plainly.

"Sorry Jis-ya. You know i'm your Mij." - i said, looking down.

"Ster." - Namjoon hyung said.

"Weirdo." - Taetae said.

"Seoky." - Hoseok hyung said.

"Gitang." - Yoongi hyung said.

"Socky." - Jin hyung said. All of us let out an uneasy sigh.

"Why didn't all of you tell me?" - she asked, looking down. She creates weird names for us during school days.

"Sorry Jis. It's all Jungkook's idea." - Hoseok hyung said.

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