Chapter 44

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

I smelled something. Medicines. The smell of hospital. I open my eyes slowly and look around. I'm in a god damn hospital. How the heck did i end up here? I frown. My hands has a patch and a needle which is connected to a machine.

I sit up and slowly took it off. I hate hospitals! Who the fuck brought me here?! "Ji Sae ssi! Stop it please!" - someone exclaimed. I look up and it was a nurse.

She came close to me, wanting to put back that thingy. "Go away! Don't tell me what to do!" - i yelled.

"Kim Ji Sae ssi, you need to rest. You can't leave." - she said.

"Why can't i leave?! Get this thing off me!" - i yelled again.

"Ji Sae!" - someone called. I turn my head.

"Oppa!" - i called. It was Tae Hyun oppa.

"Oppa! Help me out! Please! You know how much i hate these!" - i whined. Tae Hyun walked towards me and told the nurse to leave as he can 'handle' me.

"Ji Sae-ya, you can't leave. You gotta stay here." - he said calmly.

"Why?! I'm not injured!" - i yelled.

"Kid, your body has lots of cuts, here and there." - he explained.

"But i'm fine! It's just a minor one! A small one!" - i yelled again. I'm stubborn, i know.

"Kid, lay down. Now." - he warned.

"But oppa -"

"Now." - he said. I let out an annoyed groan and lay down on the bed. I frowned, crossing my arm.

"Thats my little baby sister." - Tae Hyun oppa said and smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a baby. Not a kid too." - i said.

"Whatever. Kid." - he joked. Annoying ass brother.

But curiosity builds up in me. "Oppa, how did i even end up here?" - i asked.

"Well, you stupid kid. That building you slept was the building appa gave me. Of course it's mine. I was checking the roof top and saw a thing laying down. I got curious so i went nearer and it was you." - he explained.

"You called me a fucking 'thing' oppa. Why the fuck did you bring me here when you know i hate it?" - i asked frowning.

"Aside from that. You have something to tell me." - he said, changing the topic.

"Oppa! Answer me!" - i exclaimed.

"I was panic so i brought you here. Happy now?" - he asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Ya! Now tell me!" - he exclaimed. I frown. Looking at him.

"Tell what? I don't have anything to tell." - i said.

"Then why the fuck were you drunk?! Why did you smoke?! You don't even like to drink or smoke! You only drink and smoke when you're depressed and sad! How long have you been doing these?! " - he yelled. This oppa knows me too well. And i hate it. And how the heck does he knows i drink and smoked the other day?

"I just felt like it!" - i yelled back.

"Lie! Tell me the truth, Kim Ji Sae! If not i'll call Jung -"

"Okay! Okay! I will!" - i cut him. I don't want to hear that name. Either one, i don't want to even hear or see it. I told Tae Hyun oppa the story. As i was telling him, i had a hard time.

I cried while telling him. He let out a sigh. "3 days? Woah. That explains those drinking and smoking." - he said.

"But i stopped yesterday. I didn't feel good. But I don't know what to do, oppa. I wanna divorce because of Jungie. But i don't want a divorce because i love Jungkook." - i said, tears flowing down my cheeks like a river.

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