t h i r t y s i x

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She's Not Afraid: s e v e n
Someone Like You: Brand New Moves

This is what death feels like. Or at least I hoped it doesn't get any worse than this. Every single muscle in my body was sore. My head was splitting and I felt as though my ears were ringing the way they do after a concert.

I squinted to let my eyes adjust to the sunlight coming in the window, trying to take in my surroundings. I smiled when I realized that I was laying on Calum's chest. I was so warm in this bed, and thought to myself how much I never wanted to get up and face the real world. I picked up my head to look at Calum, who was still fast asleep beneath me, but when I brought my head down, I noticed that his hands were resting behind his head. So why did I feel arms around my waist?

I looked under the sheet and saw Luke's unmistakable arms wrapped around my waist, his naked body pressed to mine. I slowly became aware of his chin resting on my shoulder, his stubble softly scratching against my skin.

"What the fuck?" I whispered under my breath, trying to recall the events of last night that ended with me snuggling with my fake boyfriend and my secret one. I could remember leaving the party with Calum and Luke, but I hadn't really retained anything after that.

I sat there paralyzed, unsure of what to do or say in the situation I'd found myself in. Thankfully, Calum woke up a few minutes later. He stretched his arms with a huge yawn and looked at me sleepily. A lazy smile stretched onto his face as he gazed at me, seemingly oblivious to his best friend spooning me.

"G'morning," his voice was scratchy, probably from dehydration, but he was content and a bit amused as he looked at me. His eyes flicked to Luke, who began to stir at the sound of Calum's voice. "Last night was... something," he said with a chuckle. I looked up at him in surprise. He was being surprisingly casual about three-way cuddling me with Luke.

"I, ummmm..." I trailed off and looked out the corner of my eye at Luke, who was now wearing a similar smile to Calum's. His eyes fluttered open for a moment before shutting again.

"Did you sleep well?" Luke mumbled against my skin, the scratch of his stubble making me shiver involuntarily. I felt him smile into my shoulder at my reaction. "You weren't this shy last night."

Okay so this was exactly what it looked like... great.

"I had a lot more alcohol in my system last night too," I muttered, unsure of who to address. I was partially just telling myself in an attempt to convince myself that what I had done last night was purely the result of excessive alcohol consumption.

"We should probably get up and get going, yeah?" Calum sat up on his elbows, and my head slid off his chest onto the pillow under him. "We have to be at the writing session in an hour." He stood from the bed and walked over to his suitcase to pull out some boxers and a pair of basketball shorts before wiggling into them. Luke's arms remained firmly grasped around my waist and I debated whether or not to tell him that it was time to let go. I made a couple of attempts to pry myself from his grip, but he wasn't interested in letting go.

"Elle, come on, just five more minutes. You're good for snuggling." Luke said into my hair, pulling me close so that my back was pressed flush against him. Calum walked back over to the edge of the bed and grimaced at Luke as we lay there.

"Hey mate, you had your fun, but she's still my girl." He placed a shirt for me to wear on the bed next to me before pulling a different one over his head to conceal his beautiful tan skin.

"Technically, she's my girl," Luke countered while finally releasing my waist. His tone was blatantly challenging Calum, daring him to correct the fact that according to the world, I was Luke's. He rolled onto his back, and I did the same so that we could look at each other. "How are you feeling this morning?"

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