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Someone Like You: Don't

Calum's Perspective

Of course, this stupid rumor about me and Kat hooking up had to leak when I'm with her and not with Elle. Even though I'm innocent, after the way we fought about Heather, I can't risk seeing how Elle will react to the stupid website's latest claim, and I just hope that I can get to her before she sees it so I can explain how none of it is true.

Unfortunately, by the time I finally got back to the house, I found Elle sitting on the bed in Luke's room with her head in her hands.


"Elle?" I call softly as I walk over to her, unsure of whether she's sad or angry with me. She lifts her head to look at me and glares menacingly, tearing me in half when I see the tears in her eyes. I would do anything right now to wipe up those tears and bring back that gorgeous smile that I love, but I have a feeling she'd shove me away if I tried right now.

I can't believe I made her cry again.

"Go away," she growls in her most menacing tone, but even when she's angry with me, she's still fucking adorable. It takes everything in me not to smile at how cute she is and focus on just making her stop looking at me like that.

God dammit, I can't stand seeing her cry. Those big green eyes hold so much sadness when they're usually full of life and excitement, and knowing that I'm the cause of it makes me feel like absolute shit about myself. Normally, seeing someone cry doesn't really affect me, but when it's Elle, there's nothing I wouldn't do to make her feel better.

"Elle, it's not what it looks like," I say calmly as I sit down on the bed across from her. I reach for her hand, but she yanks it away as soon as I touch her.

That's definitely not a good sign.

"I've heard that one before," she mumbles pitifully.

"Elle, please listen to me," I beg her pathetically. "It's not true. Kat and I aren't together. We've never done anything. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Gee Calum, thanks," she snarls at me. "It's so considerate of you to not cheat on me except, oh wait! You already have cheated on me before. Except this time, you chose someone that I'm friends with. That's soooo much better."

She has a point, and I know it, but I I can't just give up that easily. Elle is worth fighting for, and I need her to see that I've changed. I would never do anything to hurt her like this. Especially not now.

"This isn't the same thing," I argue. "I know I messed up before, but this is different. Kat is just my friend."

"I've seen the way you guys act around each other." She shakes her head and looks down at the floor. "I knew you were close, but I didn't think you were that close."

"Kat is a dear friend to me, but that's it." I take Elle's hands in mine and get down on my knees in front of her, but Elle looks as if she's not hearing a word I'm saying.

"There's so many pictures and videos that look like you guys sneaking around together," she argues. "People said you flew her out to see you on tour without Michael knowing."

"I did that for Michael!" I protest, but she's still not convinced.

"You'd leave with her to 'talk in private' without a solid explanation. She slept in your freaking hotel room in New York!"

Shit. How the fuck did people get pictures of that?

Kat only stayed in my hotel room with me because she and Michael had a huge fight that night, but the reason behind the fight was really personal for her. Kat trusted me enough to tell me about her PTSD, and I can't just tell someone else one of her darkest secrets, even if it would mean proving my innocence to Elle. As much as I want to tell her, I choose to stay quiet for the sake of not betraying my friend.

"Give me one good reason why I should believe you." She narrows her eyes at me and waits.

I rack my brain for words, but I have no idea what to say, so I do the only thing that I know works. My lips are on hers before I can think of a better option, but she shoves me away just as quickly.

"You can't just kiss me and expect everything to be fine!" She shouts at me. "You're never honest with me. How can I believe anything you tell me?"

"Ask me anything," I tell her desperately. "I'll tell you anything that you want to know."

"How many women have you slept with?" She asks, and I tense up.


"I... I don't know," I confess, but Elle doesn't like my answer at all. "I swear, I don't!"

"Just go away, Calum." She commands me as her tears return to her eyes. "I don't want to be around you right now."

"No, babe, please-" I reach up to cup her cheeks, and her face twists in anger.

"I was stupid enough to give you a second chance, even though you didn't deserve it. You're not getting a third one. Please, just leave me alone." Her voice cracks at the end, and I know that staying will only make the situation worse.

I stand from the floor and lean forward to giver a kiss on the top of her head, but Elle won't have any of it. She shoves me away before burying her face in her hands and crying some more. As much as I want to stay, I do as she asks and walk downstairs to give her the space that she asked for. Hopefully, once she calms down, I can explain everything to her and we'll be able to move past this.

A/N: and so the first domino falls...

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