t w e n t y t w o

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The feeling of waking up in Calum's arms is by far one of the most wonderful things I've come to know in the past couple of weeks. I have absolutely no desire to open my eyes, let alone get out of bed. For being a big morning person, I'm unusually satisfied with staying in bed long after I've woken up, so long as Calum is there too.

"Did you say something?" He mumbles underneath me as I lay on his chest. His hand is on my back while the other one is resting on the back of my head as we lay there.

"No..?" I answer quietly. He is about to respond, but a knock at my front door startles us both. When it sounds again, I look at Calum nervously and scurry out of the bed.

"Stay in here!" I command as I put on a pair of yoga pants and a tee shirt to answer the door. Calum nods as I close the bedroom door behind me and rush to the front door, only to find Luke in the hallway.

"Luke?" I looked at him suspiciously. I wasn't expecting him to come by, and now was certainly not the best timing.

"Hey Lennie," he stuttered. "Did you get my messages?"

"What messages?" I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, but he still seemed frazzled.

"The ones saying that we're going to a party today," he told me while observing my sleepwear. "Since when do you sleep in past noon?"

"She had a long night, mate," Calum called from behind me. He walked over to us and gave my waist a squeeze, which Luke made a grossed-out face at.

"Right," Luke looked at me with an awkward facial expression, "well, go pick out a bathing suit so we can get going and bring Cal home to change."

"Bathing suit?"

"The party is on a yacht," he explained. I shrugged and brushed past Calum to get dressed for this party. "Where's Jo?"

"She and Jaclyn are probably landing in LAX right around now, why?" I sorted through the pile of bikinis in the corner before deciding to wear the red two-piece that I'd ordered forever ago and hadn't had a chance to wear yet. It wasn't ideal for surfing, but for hanging out at a party on a boat, it was perfect.

"Because she's your roommate, and it might be smart to not fuck Calum with her and her sister across the hall," Luke yelled through the crack my bedroom door. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment when he mentioned me and Calum having sex last night. Luke was clearly just as uncomfortable knowing about it as I was talking about it with him now.

"Why didn't you tell me you'd be coming?" I asked to change the subject while I slipped into the swimsuit. The top was shaped like a bra, but I hadn't thought to check the sizing before ordering myself a size smaller than I probably should've, meaning that I had a little more cleavage than I was used to.

"Dunno, sorry for not giving you a heads up." Luke answered while I finished getting dressed. I shimmied into the bottoms and checked myself in the mirror just as Luke came in.

"You take this whole 'hot girlfriend' thing pretty seriously," he chuckled as he took in my clothing, or lack thereof. The bottoms did not even begin to cover all of my butt, and the top looked more like lingerie than a swimsuit.

"I'm going to change," I searched my room for a different swimsuit while Calum joined us in my room.

"God, please don't," Calum watched me with wide eyes. I blushed at his comment, but Luke rolled his eyes at him.

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