s i x t y f i v e

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The guys opt to stay in the studio during their break to talk. Kat gives me a pleading look, and I already know that she wants me to come with her to get Starbucks.

"Alright missy, let's get you some coffee." I stand from the couch and look over my shoulder at Beth. Her eyes are half open, and she looks like she could definitely use some caffeine. "You too, Beth."

Beth takes a second to realize that I'm talking to her, but once she does, she smiles and walks over to Kat with me. She grabs my hand and silently looks at Clarke, who is sitting on her phone and trying to look busy.

"Clarke, are you coming?" Beth asks sweetly. "We can make it a girls' trip."

"I'd love to." She smiles brightly and hops to her feet. Ashton walks over to us, and Clark looks up at him. "Would you like me to bring you anything back?"

"Or I can just come with you ladies," he flashes her a smile and steps ahead of us to grab his jacket from off the nearby chair. "Alright mates, nice knowing ya! I'm stealing all your girlfriends for myself."

"I mean at this point, which members of the band am I not dating?" I say quickly, and Beth and Clarke burst into laughter. I look back at the rest of the guys, who are all staring at me in shock.

"When's my turn then?" Michael calls after me, but Kat whips her head around before I can up with a sharp response.

"Half past never!" She shoots him a warning glare, but it's easy to tell she's only doing it to keep from laughing.

"Love you, angel!" He yells to ease his girlfriend's temper.

"That's more like it!" She yells without looking back as she leads the rest of us out of the studio and onto the streets of Hollywood. Beth and I have to band together to keep from laughing at the display.

All around us, people are stealing glances at our group of friends. A few people run over to ask Clarke for pictures, and she does her best to stop for everyone. After it happens a few times, Ashton starts asking them to go, and Clarke finally starts to relax.

"Thank you," I hear Clarke murmur to him as we walk inside of the Starbucks.

"I need to talk to you," Kat whispers. She wastes no time dragging my arm to the line while everyone else follows in behind us. She looks... nervous? "You know that whole... um, situation... a few weeks ago?"

"The rumors about you and-" I start to ask, but she stops me before I can get to the most incriminating part of that sentence.

"Yeah," she looks down at the ground like she's ashamed, "it wasn't what it looked like."

"Calum told me what happened," I whisper back. "We really don't need to talk about it."

"I just... I wanted to say I'm sorry." She still won't look up at me, but now I understand why.

"Kat, I'm not mad at you. I was hurt at first, but I know now that a lot of the reasons that I got upset weren't even true." I squeeze her hand as discreetly as I can without drawing attention to our conversation.

"So can we please be friends again? We never officially talked things out, but I'd like to go back to how things were." She looks at me with sad hazel eyes, and I nod. She looks relieved and hugs me, but when she pulls away, something tells me that something is still on her mind.

"Kat, is something else going on?" I press gently, but when she shakes her head, I decide to drop it instead of potentially upsetting her more. At least now we've resolved things between us once and for all.

"By the way," she steps up to the counter, "I need you to fill in on what the heck is happening with you and your little agreement."

"That's quite the long story, but I'll fill you in when we get back to a more secure location," I assure her. I want to tell Kat everything now that we have put those horrible rumors behind us. Besides, maybe she has some tricks up her sleeve for sneaking around the paparazzi and Baker.

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