t h i r t y f i v e

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She's Not Afraid: f o u r

The award show itself was relatively uneventful. Ashton seemed to be in a better mood than usual, but I guess I could chalk that up to the girl he'd been talking to since the red carpet show beforehand. Kat left before the afterparty, meaning my only friend was now gone, and I was by myself in this foreign world of pop stars and famous musicians.

I know I'd never really had a ton of experience with partying and such when I was a teenager, but nothing could have prepared me for partying with Luke and his bandmates. After taking several shots at The Riff, I was somehow convinced to take a body shot off of Jack Barakat. I still don't fully believe that I did that, but it's hard to argue with the videos on everyone's phones.

I think we left Ashton and Michael at The Riff when we headed to the next party, but I'm not sure what happened after that body shot I did. Somehow, we ended up in our hotel's penthouse, and I was left be myself while Calum and Luke were off doing God knows what. After four hours of partying, I was exhausted and had a headache.

2:37 am

"Elle!" A blonde girl ran over to me with a bottle of Jack Daniel's in her hand. "Take a pull!"

I looked at her skeptically, but took the bottle anyways. She smiled and cheered when I put the bottle to my lips, but after swallowing about an eighth of the bottle, she looked absolutely stunned.

"Holy shit girl!" She giggled and pulled me into her arms. "I didn't know you could drink like that! I'll see you around!" And with that, the mysterious girl disappeared into the crowd with the rest of the whiskey, and I was left alone once again. This party was really starting to suck, and the fact that Luke and Calum both ditched me was making me really mad.

Right now, I just wasn't in the mood to party with a bunch of people that I didn't know, so I searched the crowd for either of my boys in the hopes that one of them would get me out of here. I found Calum perched at a table near the dance floor looking bored as ever. He took the last sip of his beer and scanned the crowd, oblivious to me coming up beside him.

"Calum?" I placed my hand on his arm to get his attention. He turned and took a moment to recognize me, a giant drunken smile appearing on his face when he saw that it was me.

"Why'd you leave me?" I whined.

"You're the one who ran off," he countered. He leaned in to kiss me, but I dodged it by moving to hug him instead. He seemed to be forgetting that we were in the middle of a crowded party and not alone like I would like for us to be.

"Not right now, we're still at the party." I reminded him. Calum nodded in understanding and pulled away to look me in the eyes with his large brown ones. He stared back at me with an unreadable expression while I looked at him in confusion.

"Luke is so lucky," he said sadly. His full lips turned down into a frown, which made me feel sad for him. "He gets to be with you whenever he wants. I bet he loves getting to sleep with you every night." My eyes grew wide at his words, unable to think of a good response with the amount of alcohol flowing through my system.

I've officially had way too much to drink.

"No he doesn't! Calum, we don't do that." I insisted just as two long arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt the familiar scratch of Luke's stubble against my cheek as he pressed his body to mine. The past couple of weeks, he'd gotten much more comfortable with me in public. He was always holding me everywhere we went, and his kisses had become much more intense.

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