f i f t y s e v e n

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I'm halfway through filming a tutorial with the new Tarte palette when I hear Jo come through the front door of our apartment.

"Jo?" I yell through my door just to check that it is actually her. I wasn't expecting her and Jaclyn to come back from the trip until Monday.

"Hey," she yells back. I flash my camera lens a confused look as if it too will be confused as to why Jo is home early before turning it off and walking into the living room with only one false eyelash on and no foundation yet.

"What are you doing back so soon?" I ask. Jo looks like she could burst from whatever secret she's holding back.

"I got promoted to the head of Little Mix's team, and they need me out there as soon as possible since they're about to release a new album and all that." She takes deep breath as her excitement melts her normally tense expression into a delighted smile. "I'm moving to London."

"Oh my god, Jo!" I throw my arms around her neck and rock us from side to side. "I'm going to miss you so much, but I'm really happy for you! When do you leave?"

"Well... tomorrow," she tells me, and I gape in surprise. I thought for sure she would need a few days to get packed and make travel arrangements.

"That's so soon though," I say sadly, and she nods in agreement.

"It all came together so quickly," she says hurriedly. "But yeah, they got me situated with a flat by the office, and I fly out first thing tomorrow. You know Baker waits for nothing and no one."

"Oh wow," is all I can think to say. I'm going to miss living with one of my best friends, but this is such a great career opportunity for her, so I can't be too sad. "Do you need help packing?"

"I packed before we left since I knew it was going to happen soon, so I've pretty much got everything ready to go, but thank you." She smiles and pulls me in for another hug. "I wish we could do something tonight though. One last hoorah before I have to go."

"Let's do it," I say quickly, and Jo smiles in surprise. "You've been talking about going Star Gazing in Griffith Park since the first time I came to visit so tonight, we're finally going to go."

"I thought you had a 'date' with Luke." She uses air quotes around the word date, but I just roll my eyes. Luke and I were planning on going to the movies tonight so the paparazzi could get some pictures to send to DailyMail and The Sun. Plus, this way we wouldn't have to actually talk that much while we were around one another.

"All the more reason to have a girl's night instead." I take her hand in mine and lead her into my room. "We've barely gotten to hang out since I moved in, and I'm not letting you leave without one last night out in LA."

The more I think about it, the more glad I am that Jo came back when she did. Even though we sort of talked things through, Luke and I haven't hung out with each other since we got back from Fiji, and I'm dreading how awkward it will be when I finally have to act like his girlfriend in public again.

A/N: I'm sorry I know I haven't updated in a month and it's short and just filler but this becomes important later on pinky promise

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