s i x t y f o u r

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"Do you wanna come to the studio with us in a bit?" Luke asks once we finish filming. Calum and I's food showed up as we were finishing, so now I get to stuff my face with tacos before I have to worry about editing the multitude of footage I got.

"Is there wifi?" I ask between bites. "I have to edit this video and get it up tonight to appease the beast."

"Yeah, we'll get you on the wifi," he promises me. "Just thought it might be a good way that you can leave the house and not have to worry about acting for a bit."

It would be nice to have a change of scenery. I feel like I've spent a lot of time at home recently, and to be able to get out of the house and not be 'Luke Hemmings's girlfriend' is way too tempting to pass up.

"Sounds great," I smile and take another massive bite of my taco. I didn't realize just how hungry I was until my food showed up. "Let me finish eating, I'll throw my things in a bag, and then we can get going."

The front door to the apartment swings open a second later and Beth walks in with a Chick-Fil-A cup in hand.

"Where on Earth did you find that?" I had no idea they even had Chick-Fil-A out in Los Angeles, but I haven't had it since I moved here. Just the sight of the red swirling font makes me crave waffle fries.

"There's a Chick-Fil-A right next to UCLA," she tells me with a contented smile. "I went for a walk and ended up over that way. What have you guys been up to?"

"We were filming," I tell her, and she coughs back a laugh when she sees my face close up. "Luke did my makeup."

"It's uh... it looks great." She tries but fails to show how amused she is with my messy black eye makeup and uneven lipstick.

"I think I should wear it to the studio, don't you think so?" I turn to Calum for agreement, and he nods with a tickled grin.

"You want to come with us?" Luke asks her hopefully. "We're going in to work on a few songs for the next record."

"Okay yeah," Beth nods excitedly and sits down next to me at the kitchen counter. "Are you guys going to record that song you showed us the other day?"

"Yeah that one, and a couple of others." Luke smiles and walks over to the fridge, helping himself to some orange juice.

"Do we get to listen while you record?" I ask hopefully. I love watching them write, so I can only imagine that watching them in studio is just as intriguing.

"Yeah, you can sit in the booth." Luke sips his orange juice and looks at the time on his phone. "We should go on and head out."

The four of us gather our things and head down to the parking garage to where Luke's car is waiting. We climb in and zip down the highway while rocking out to an old Mariana's Trench album while Luke tells us about the interesting time that he had writing with Josh Ramsay.

The recording studio looks exactly like I expected it to. The walls are dark wood panels against black marble floors. Signs reminding us to be quiet hang throughout the halls as we walk to the room that 5SOS is recording in.

"Looks like we're the first ones here," Calum says once we're inside. There's no sign of Michael or Ashton just yet, so we all sit on the leather sofas while we wait. Calum sits down next to me, and watches as I edit me and Luke's video. It's even funnier getting to watch it all and see other of our facial expressions throughout the video. I hope my subscribers (and Baker) like it.

"You forgot to remove the makeup by the way," Calum whispers, and I snap my head up. Beth and Luke are giggling on the opposite sofa, confirming that I still have a ton of black powder scattered around my eyes. I glare at them and pull out my makeup wipes from my purse to scrub the makeup off.

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