t h i r t y

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When we finally got to Oklahoma, the guys and I decided to go out and unwind after being on the bus all day. We walked around town for a little while before deciding to just hang out in the lounge area of our hotel's rooftop bar. I sat in my appointed spot next to Luke on one of the couches while Michael and Ashton took residence on another, and Calum sat in an armchair across from me by himself.

"I almost forgot what fresh air felt like," Luke said when he returned to me with two drinks in hand. I thanked him for my drink and rested my hand on his thigh while he wrapped his arm around me. We had developed a habit of sitting together like this in public. It was comfortable and casual, but still made us look like a normal couple to onlookers.

Calum has learned to deal with me and Luke being affectionate towards each other in public; mostly because as soon as we found time alone, he got me all to himself. But that didn't mean it wasn't still fun to mess with him.

I look over at Calum and find his eyes locked on my hand as it rests on Luke's leg. He makes no effort to hide his dissatisfaction, but I'm the only one who seems to notice. I fight back the sinister smile that threatens at the corners of my mouth as I lean into Luke and rest my head on his chest.

Calum glares at me when he picks up on what I'm up to. I smile back to feign innocence, but he doesn't buy it one bit. I decide to torture him a little more by sliding my hand a bit further up Luke's leg, but a cold splash on my hand pulls my attention to Luke's lap, which is now soaked with beer.

"Shit," Luke mumbled to himself as he looked down at his lap. I laughed and pulled my hand away from his sticky leg before grabbing some napkins off the table for us both.

"Cone on Elle, isn't it bad enough you spilled your drink on him once?" Calum joked as he watched us clean ourselves off, obviously satisfied with this little mishap.

"Luke spilled on himself this time!" I argued, but Luke shook his head at me and laughed.

"Don't listen to her," he said with a smile, "Lennie, this is your fault."

"How?" I argued against his playful accusation. He looked back at me with a strained expression and raised an eyebrow at me.

"You distracted me," he answered through clenched teeth. I stole a quick glimpse at his crotch and noticed the bulge in his pants.

"Oh," I said softly while I fought the urge to burst into laughter. I just accidentally gave my best friend a boner.

I felt bad about it, but to be fair, I didn't think he was even paying attention. Being touchy with each other had become second nature to the point that we sometimes failed to notice it, so I had just assumed he was tuning me out this whole time.

"Serves you right," Michael cackled as we cleaned up the mess. "She's been putting moves on you since we got here, and you still haven't taken the poor girl back to your room yet."

My face turned a deep red at Michael's words while the guys all burst into laughter at my expense. Now I knew how Kat felt when they made fun of her. Except this was worse because Michael's implications weren't even correct. Thankfully, Luke stood up and brought an end to the conversation.

"Well, I should probably go wash up," he said with a nod to the guys. He gave me a smile and shook his head at me once more before heading downstairs to shower.

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