s i x t y s e v e n

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A/N: Happy (belated) Fourth of July to all of my American friends! I hope you had a great day wherever you are and you ate lots of amazing barbeque. Let me know what you think of the chapter xx

The next morning, I wake up feeling sick to my stomach. I run into the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet, whimpering from the pain. Calum comes in a moment later with a bottle of water in hand and sets it next to me. He sits down on the edge of the bathtub and begins to rub circles into my back lightly.

"Did you have something that you're allergic to at dinner last night?" I hear him say between bouts of gagging. I rarely ever got sick as a kid, but I know that when I did get sick, I felt like I was dying. I lift my head weakly and look at the concerned boy sitting above me, trying my best to look less nauseous than I felt.

"I'd be out cold by now if this was an allergic reaction," I reassure him, but that doesn't bring him any comfort. He reaches over to touch my forehead, his expression growing more nervous when he feels how hot my skin is.

"You're going to the hospital," he insists, but I shake my head. I've spent enough of my life in hospitals, so I'm not too keen on going unless I'm about to die.

"I have to film today," I argue weakly. "I'll be fine."

"Babe, you're burning up, and you're paler than Michael." He leans down and scoops me into his arms to carry me out of the bathroom. "Let's get you dressed. If we go now, you'll probably still have time to film when we get back."

"Fine," I say softly as he sets me back on my feet. I slowly walk over to my closet and pull out some clothes to change into, trying my best to stand upright even though I want more than anything to lay back down.

"Maybe I should go by myself," I suggest as I pull my shirt over my head. "It'll look suspicious if you bring me to the hospital and not Luke."

"I don't give a fuck about that right now," Calum says as he rushes to put his shoes on, "I just want to get you taken care of. You look like you're about to pass out."

He's not wrong, I feel like I could collapse at any moment. I nod in place of a verbal response and sit down on my bed, unable to stand any longer. Calum grabs my keys from the bedside table, along with our phones, and walks over to me with his usual flirty smile.

"Come on gorgeous," he says as he offers me his hand, "let's get going."

"There's no way that I'm 'gorgeous' right now," I insist as I stand from the bed with his assistance. He smirks at me and lifts me to my feet.

"You're always gorgeous," he counters with a kiss to my forehead, but I scrunch my nose at his blatant dishonesty. He helps me downstairs and outside, where I discover that the sun has started to come up. Once we are both in the car, Calum speeds to the closest hospital and walks me inside, ignoring my requests for him to drop me off at the door.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The middle-aged receptionist asks as she looks at me with concern. I'm sure by her expression that I look like hell, but Calum does the talking for me before I can muster a response.

"My girlfriend has a fever, and she's been throwing up all morning," Calum explains. I nod and lean into his chest, feeling light-headed once again. "She has really bad allergies, and I'm not sure if she's having a reaction. When she does, it kind of looks like this."

"Calum, I need to sit down." My voice is just above a whisper, and my vision begins to spot. He tightens his grip on me and holds me to his chest while my legs begin to quake beneath me. I feel a wheelchair push against the back of my legs and instinctively sit down, very used to how being rushed to the emergency room typically goes down.

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