s i x t y t h r e e

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"Do you need any help setting up, love?" Calum asks while immobilizing me with his arms around my waist. I'm pretty much done placing the cameras and lights in the right positions, so all I have to do is layout my makeup for Luke to use on me in the video.

"No, I'm good. There's not much to it." I turn in his arms and kiss his cheek. He turns just enough so that our lips connect, tightening his grip around my waist to let me know he's not through with me yet.

"Calum," I whisper against his lips, "I still have to set up all of my makeup out here."

Calum ignores my half-hearted pleas for release and pulls me down on top of him on the couch. Our legs tangle together as I struggle to keep myself from falling off the sofa, but Calum's arms around me ensure me that I'm not about to fall. I accept that he's not going to let me be productive right now and press my lips to his, much to both our satisfaction.

"Hey," Calum murmurs between kisses, "I love you."

"Good," I giggle, "because I love you too."

I'm still in awe over how natural it feels saying 'I love you' to someone that isn't family. With Calum, I don't even think twice before the words leave my lips.

"Are you hungry?" Calum asks unexpectedly, and I smile with surprise.

"Starving," I smile and kiss him again, threading my fingers in his curls. He hums happily when I tug his hair, but he pulls away before I'm ready for him to.

"Unless you want Luke to walk in on me bending you over the couch, I suggest we stop here." He winks and kisses my forehead before making his way into the kitchen and rifling through the fridge. "Do you guys know how to grocery shop? There's no food in here."

I laugh and shrug as I look into the fridge. Inside is a bunch of Jaclyn's yogurts, along with some orange juice and fruit. There's not much to chose from, but I usually munch on fruit or salad when I'm at home anyways.

"This is unacceptable," Calum huffs dramatically and pulls out his phone. "Humans need more than just plants to survive. Japanese or tacos?"

"Mmmmm tacos," I tell him as he types away on his phone to order the food. "Chicken please no sour cream or-"

"-or cheese," Calum finishes my sentence and winks playfully. "Babe, I'm not about to send you to the hospital again. Don't worry, I've got you covered."

He wraps his free arm around my waist and kisses my temple.

"Thanks babe," I kiss him on the cheek and resume setting up my makeup on my filming table. I'm not entirely sure how much to set out, but I figure more options will make it harder for Luke, so I set out as much makeup as I can just to mess with him.

Someone knocks on the front door a few minutes later, and Calum walks over to the door to find Luke waiting on the other side. He has his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans and a beanie over his unruly blonde curls.

"Hey Luke," I call over my shoulder. I hear the door shut behind him followed by his footsteps towards me.

"What kind of video are we filming exactly?" Luke's eyes are wide when I look over at him and then down at my clothes. I haven't put on my outfit for the video yet, so I'm only wearing a white Calvin Klein boyshorts and sports bra set. Calum shoves Luke's shoulder on his way over to me while he fails to annoyance at how Luke is staring at me.

"You might wanna get dressed," he suggests quietly. I kiss his cheek and walk into my room to change before he can get more upset with the whole situation. It's better than letting him and Luke get into an argument, which I'm sure would come soon.

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