t w e n t y o n e

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I was glad I'd given Calum my spare key for tonight, knowing it would be far less suspicious for him to come into the building on his own than for me to come downstairs to get him. As usual, Calum didn't tell me what he was planning for tonight, but I had also made a couple of plans of my own.

I had changed into the lingerie that I'd bought earlier and put a white dress over it for until I got home. Manny had insisted that he do my makeup for tonight, and now I had soft rosy eyeshadow on that made my green eyes pop and a Anastasia gloss on my lips that he swore by. My plan was to ditch the dress as soon as so got back to my apartment and light a few candles to make up for the fact that we were only in my dingy loft. Calum had suggested we get a hotel room together, but there was too much risk of being caught together that we decided it was best to just have a night in. Besides, I had a feeling tonight was going to be amazing no matter where we were.

I fumbled with the lock to my door before realizing it was already unlocked. When I pushed in open, Calum was in the living room on his hands and knees while he tried to get the string lights that were hanging in the living room to plug into the outlet. Once he got them lit up, he stood up and looked at me with a goofy grin plastered on his face.

"Hey," I slowly take in the room as I step inside. A fortress made of navy bed sheets and pillows sits in the center of it with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine sitting at the edge. Fairy lights are strategically hanging inside so that it's possible to see in the otherwise dark hideaway.

"Hey," Calum stands with his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. I'm amazed that he can stand to where such hot material in this heat, but I'm even more amazed with his handiwork.

"What's this?" I ask as I walk towards him. His hands gently find my hips as I stop in front of him, pulling me the rest of the way so that no space is separating us. He kisses me softly and lingers against my lips, taking a moment to enjoy being alone together.

"I wanted tonight to be special," he begins, "I can't exactly take you anywhere, and Batman and Catwoman aren't really suited for this kind of thing, so I made a little getaway that fit our uhhh situation." He winks at me and gives me another timid kiss.

I tug at the collar of his shirt as a signal for him to kiss me harder, but Calum remains firm and continues to be gentle with me. It's almost as if he's afraid to be more aggressive with me, but I know deep down it's what he wants too. His reserve is sweet, but I'm ready for more.

Calum breaks the kiss and takes my hands in his, pulling me into the fort that he has made. We both crawl inside the blue hideaway, and I notice that with the fairy lights against the dark backdrop, it looks a lot like the night sky. When I look down, the sheets beneath us are tan in color. Calum is smiling as he lies down on his stomach next to me, watching me as I take in our secret hiding place.

"If I had it my way, I would've taken you on a walk along the beach and then whisked you away to our hotel room that looked out onto the ocean. I figured this was the closest I could get to that."

His eyes are sparkling as he looks over at me. There's barely a few inches separating our faces, but I decide to go ahead and eliminate the space and kiss him again. Calum pulls me on top of him and at first, I worry that I'm squishing him, but he seems unaffected by my weight.

"Thank you, this is better than any place you could've taken me."

"You're welcome," he brushes a lock of hair behind my ear and reaches up to kiss me again. All of a sudden, he pulls back and a frazzled expression is playing on his features. "Hold on, I got wine and everything."

I take a seat next to him as he sits up and reaches for the bottle that is waiting outside of the tent, but the loss of his hands on my waist is making me desperate for him. He brings the wine into the fort and reaches for the bottle opener, but I gently take the bottle from him and set it beside me.

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