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Elsa Winters


Problems everywhere.

After months of searching for a job, I ended up as a cashier in some cafe shop. But I didn't last a month there because my boss had started molesting me, touching my parts that aren't supposed to be touched by anyone without my permission.

So, I punched him.

And I got fired.

When I headed home that day, I saw the fat landlady named Gothel, who was unfortunately left by her husband, dumping mine and my girlfriend's clothes on the garbage bin.

Shocked, I was about to approach her why she had thrown our clothes away. But then I realized that I haven't paid for months and she's kicking us out. Instead of attacking her, I waited foe her to leave before I collected our clothes and placed it inside my duffle bag.

Sometimes, I would wonder what would happen if I stayed on my parents home and obeyed every command they give to me. I wonder what would happen if I continued studying until I graduate college and decided to run my family's business.

I placed my cigarette between my lips and lit it using my lighter. I inhaled the smoke coming from the cigarette as it relaxes my stressed self. Smoking isn't bad, actually I consider it as my best friend, my runaway.

"You're smoking again?!" I heard my girlfriend's same old reaction whenever I smoke. She doesn't support smoking, she's against it but nevertheless, she loves me.

Turning around, I grinned and brought the cigarette away from my lips as I exhaled the smoke out from my mouth. Astrid coughed, frowning at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop smoking!" She exclaimed angrily. I rolled my eyes and continue smoking. I actually got used to this type of scenarios. Astrid getting angry at me for smoking while I would just continue doing what I like as if I hadn't noticed her.

Our relationship has always been like that. We fought here and there yet we kept coming back to each other, craving for each other's affection and touch.

"Ugh, for Pete's sake Elsa listen to me. Smoking can fucking kill you!" She shouted. Now, she's getting on my nerves. I do love her but sometimes I couldn't help to be irritated by her actions.

"Astrid just please shut up. I'm not in the mood to argue with you." I said, sighing and tried to be as calm as I could. I don't want to scare her off. I don't wanna loose her, again.

"I'm just concerned about your health, Elsa!" She exclaimed. I nodded, understanding her. That's Astrid, a caring and compassionate woman. "Look, just throw that damn cigarette and that fixes the night."

I took a deep breath, keeping my rage bottled inside me. "Astrid, you can't just tell me what to do. Smoking relieves-- hey!" She snatched my cigarette from my fingers and threw it on the ground before stomping on it.

That was the last cigarette I have.

"When I say you stop, you stop!" She screamed. The back of her hand flew, hitting me right across the face with a loud smack. It burns yet I didn't flinched. "You're an ass sometimes, you know that? Not only an ass but a bitch who couldn't even get me a nice warm home with delicious food--"

I couldn't stand it anymore. She blames me for every single bad thing that's happening in our life, when she's the real reason why we're being like this!

Covered in rage, my hands immediately wrapped around her neck, choking her dear life. Astrid gasped for air, her eyes slowly rolling back to her head. She squirmed, throwing her arms on me, trying to get a grip yet she couldn't.

She's too controlling, too bossy. She always wants to be the one who'll control my entire life. That's why I left college because she controlled me like a puppet, dragging me down with her.

"I would probably stop if you're not acting like my mom!" I shouted. "But you're not! You're not my mother, Astrid!"

But before I could dig my fingers tighter against her neck, realization hit me. I immediately let her go as she fell onto her knees, coughing.

I stood there, feeling guilty for what I had done. When she had recovered, she looked up at me, meeting my gaze. Fear and anger danced in her eyes all at once. It scared me, knowing that she could run away and leave me broken, just like what she did before.

I stared at her, silently pleading that she would just forgive me as we fix our current problems.

But no, she was far too consume by her anger.

Astrid stood up, brushing her the dirt away from her dress. She turned to me with a bitter smirk on her face. I quivered, knowing her that she'll gonna push me to my lowest points until I realize that I'm wrong and I'll crawl back to her.

"I never knew that I'm dating a monster! You tried to kill me, Elsa!" She exclaimed, her smirk faltering into a thin line. Tears formed on her eyes, daring to fall. I didn't reply and instead I walked to her, wrapping my arms around her frail body.

"You nearly killed me, Elsa! You choked me! How could you!" She cried as she continued punching and slapping me yet I couldn't do anything because I deserve every single slap. I hugged her tighter, not wanting to let her go.

I love her.

And she's the only one I got.

Without her, I would be meaningless. My life would be nothing because she's my bundle of happiness, my life, and my world after I had lost everything I used to have.

I can't loose her.

"Elsa, let me go." She said sternly but I didn't.

"Let me go!" She pushed me away, making me stumble back.

"I'm sorry."

"Do you think you could just fix this by your stupid apologies?!" She blared. "I'm tired and sick of your bullshit, Elsa! I'm tired of living in a penniless life! I am a woman Elsa. I have my needs and you couldn't give it to me!"

I couldn't find any courage to say anything, instead I gazed at her and begged that she won't go. She glared at me with her blazing eyes; the ones that never failed to scare me.

Then, her lips parted, saying the words that shattered me. Those three words that wrecked my broken heart. A sentence, a statement, that strucked me as it told me that I'm nothing but a worthless person who couldn't even provide a better life for my beloved one.

"We're fucking done, Elsa Winters."

She strutted away, out into the busy streets of Burgess. She didn't even looked back.

She just left.

I'm also a woman, Astrid yet you're all I need.


Hi guys!

This book is really blank. When I came to check it, I only found the prologue. Aish...

Now, I actually had this chapter for months yet it felt so short and boring, so I kinda improved it to make this chapter better!

Love y'all!


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