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Elsa Winters

The skies were blue with puffy clouds floating around. Kites in all sizes were blown by the wind, causing the children below to laugh and run around the grassy medows while trying to catch up to each of their kites. The wind blew, brushing against my alabaster skin--oh, how delightful it was!

The flowers bloomed around them, showing off their various shades and hues. Oh, the scent! The lovely scent of the flowers that had spread throughout the whole neighborhood. It was undeniably inviting.

Butterflies, bees and birds flapped their small wings as they flew, grazing upon the glorious meadows. Some little girls caught them into their palms, giggling as they watched the insect suffer in their delicate hands.

Everything was perfect and in harmony until one woman came to destroy every perfectio--

Just kidding.

I hadn't witnessed the morning because I had slept through it!

It's already afternoon and the house of my grandpa is in complete chaos.

Yep, you read that right! I am in my grandpa's appartment-- grandpa Jack, just in case you do not know who he is.

"How dare you ask my daughter for marriage when you already have this," the middle aged woman paused and glare at me. "Whore residing in this hell hole!"

I gasped. "Excuse me, I am his wife!"

The woman rolled her eyes and grabbed the wrist of her daughter. The poor kid looks terrified and at the same time, confused. "You are clearly his wife, wife in bed!"

"Well, you got that one wrong. I am his wife-- not only in bed but also in everything!" I roared, slinging the whip into their direction but not the extent that it would reach them.

I don't have any intention to hurt these people.

I'm a kind and changed woman.

The enraged woman gave me a deathly glare before turning to Jack, who was secretly taking a few glances to my direction. It was weird seeing him stand behind the couch with a pillow pressed against his crotch when he's supposed to intervene and fix the problem.


"You scammed us! I'll have you and your wife reported to the police!" She exclaimed, flipping back her fake blonde extension.

"What will you even repo--"

"Sexual harrassment! Child harrasser!" The woman immediately responded and with that, she dragged her teenage girl along with her. "I'll report you to the police and get both of you arrested!"


Once the two ladies had left, the whole room turned quiet.

Phew, I should be given an Oscar award for that exquisite dramatization!

I turned my gaze to Jack, seeing him all fumed up. His eyes were darker than the usual and it looks like they will be popping in no time. His hand that gripped against the pillow against his crotch turned white, in so much grasping.

Geez, he looks like a drug addict.

"You ruined everything!" He seethed. "Now, how am I supposed to pay Emma's tuition fees?!"

"I-I don't understand."

That was the truth.

I do not understand the connection between him, asking a teenage girl for marriage and paying Emma's tuition fees. Was that teenage girl rich and marrying her was the only way to get access to her wealth?

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now