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"So, are my flirting skills affecting you?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little bit."

"Do you like me now?"

"Kinda but that doesnt mean I'm not attracted to girls anymore!"

"I should kill all girls then."

"Then, you'll be killing me."

"I'll be killing you with my love because," he paused, grinning. "Too much love can kill you!" He sang, immediately making my ears bleed even though I'm drunk.

"Jack, you're just drunk and fucked up."

"And so are you."

"If you kill me, you couldn't be able create offsprings!"

"Then, I shall let you live and you shall give me hundreds of children."

"I think I'd rather die."

"Die from the swords of my enemies or die from my love?"

"Yeah, that one."

"Which one?"

"I would die in the hands of Emma Frost!"

"You're making me feel hopeless."

"Well, that's just me. Taking all those tiny hopes and dreams before crushing them to ashes."

"I still love you."

"Well, I still don't-know-what-to-feel-because-im-drunk!"

"Seeing you in twos makes me even love you more."

"Seeing you in doubles makes me want to puke. Everything's spinning around me!"

Jack engulfed me into his warm bear hug, causing me to sigh.

"Then, sleep."


"You still smell like a woman." I blurted out.

"Yeah, don't you like it?"

"Uh-oh, id rather have you smelling like a mascular man than womens perfume. Goodnight, Frost."

"Goodnight, my snowqueen."


Since when did Jack and I got into each other's pants?

"Sugar-pie-honey-bunch, you know that I loooove yoouu! I can't help myself. I love you and nobody else!"

What other morning greetings could really wake you up other than Jack's imittating a song from an animated movie entitled 'Strange Magic'?

You don't know? Well, I don't either.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I exclaimed, trying to get his lanky body off of me.

"You know that I love you!" He sang loudly.

"Geez, are you still drunk?"

"Drunk of your love? Yes, I am, mon cherie."

"You really know how to make me puke."

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now