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Elsa Winters

"Hey, Blondie, you gotta eat!"  Jack pushed a plateful of pancakes to my direction in which I only ignored his offer. Sure, he's being kind and generous today but I am still irritated to why he still hadn't apologized to me.

"Come on! Eat up, Elsa. I don't want to starve you even more!" He grumbled like a child and I rolled my eyes at him for being immature. That seemed to tick him off because a minute later, he had stormed off, leaving me and the freshly cooked pancakes. Delicious!

Once he was out of sight, I immediately dug onto his pancakes, filling myself up with the delightful breakfast. Well, you might be wondering on why I had ate the pancakes when he was gone.

The answer to that is; the sight of him, especially his face irritates me even more which made me feel full rather an hungry.

"Hope you choke on that, bitch." Jack spoke, walking past me and grabbed a glass of water for himself. He had his gaze trained on mine as he gulped down his water.

"Hope you choke on that, bitch." I mimicked his voice, making my voice lower and rolled my eyes at him. Again.

"I don't sound like that, Elsa." He said, slamming back the glass to the sink.

"I'm sorry. I'm just a lesbian who tries to be funny." I spat, mocking him. With that, he lunged towards me, trapping me in between his legs. Jack gazed down at me as his breath fanned against my face.

What the fuck is his problem.

"Have you ever heard personal space or you still didn't.... daddy?" I let the word of endearment roll of my tongue in a teasing manner with a seductive smirk that grew on my lips.

I don't know why I just did that but I am really guessing that it is one of my stupid childish moves.

"Do not provoke me, Elsa or you will not like the consequences." He growled, his eyes becoming a hue darker which made him look evem scarier that he usually does.

"B-but daddy--" I wasn't be able to finish my another comeback because he had his hand wrapped around my sore neck, choking me once more. I stared back at him but to my surprise, he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. His lips were soft and comforting but the feeling bubbling up in my chest isn't settling.

The way his lips moved against mine was harsh. It's as if he had never kissed someone for a long time because he was rough, needy and desperate.

And I found myself surrendering to his desperation.

His grip on my neck loosened and his hands had traveled down my body as they settled on my thighs. Our lips were still interlocked when I made the dare to lick his lower lip, asking for entrance. He let out an animalistic groan and gladly parted his lips as our tongues clashed for dominance.

His hand had traveled further into my thighs which had caused me to gasp. Jack had took advantage of that and had won the dominance. Feeling that I already needed air to enter my lungs, I pushed him away with all my might as I breathed deeply.

That was undeniably ho--


I. Kissed. Jack. Frost.

Ah, shit. You're a total dipshit, Elsa!

His gaze still burned against my skin which made me a lot uncomfortable.

Bitch, could you stop staring at me?

I looked up, meeting his gaze-- instead of finding a lustful one, I found a gaze filled with regret.


And so did I.

I looked away, scratching my head and he also seemed to do the same thing.

I should apologize for kissing him.

Yeah, you should-- probably!

"Uhhm, I'm sorry!" We both blurted out when we faced each other. I felt my cheeks reddened as my heart pounds loudly in my chest.

Geez, this is so awkward.

"I didn't mean to kiss you!" For the second time, we both had said in unison.

Are our brains connected to each other?

Jack's cheeks turned bright red while he tried concealing it by covering his face with his palms while I sat there, thoughts racing back and forth in my head.

What the hell, Elsa?!

The guy seems to have an interest in you and now you gave him a wrong signal!

You're such a whore.

The kiss was hot, though.

Now, he'll think that there's something special between you and him.

Oh my, you gotta do something!

I pushed my thoughts away when I had stood up. My heart pounded in a fast pace while emotions swirled around me. But they were more confused rather than feeling aggitated.

Smiling, I slipped off from him and patted his back. "It's alright, bro. If I were given a chance to kiss myself, my reaction would also be like yours." I said and walked away, hoping to keep my erratic beating heart back to its normal state.


"Does you neck still hurt?" He asked.

It has been three hours and sixteen minutes after the incident. Thanks to the heaven above, were back to this nonchalant-slash-cat and dog fight. He's not mentioning anything about it and he's also been keeping a lengthy space between us, which is totally great!

"Kinda. It's bruising, though." I said truthfully, my eyes still trained on the television show with sexy woman who cooks a vegetarian meal.

"Shit, man. I'm so sorry." He cussed, making me laugh. "I should have thought about it before hurting you." I turned to him and saw him become flustered all of the sudden.

Wow, never knew I had this effect on boys.

"Took you so long to apologize, my friend." I replied, smiling.

"What can I say? Your favorite boy has a big ego!" He jumped up, fist bumping the air before falling back to the couch.

"I'm glad you admitted it."

"You made me realize it, Elsa."

"Realize what?" I grinned.

"Realize that doing such thing-- marrying someone for money-- is not worth it." He responded with his signature boyish smirk spreading on his lips which made my heart skip a beat.

I sighed, nodding before I turned my attention back to the televsion. The woman had dipped lower, showing me her cleavage-- why am I not feeling ho--

"Do you know what's worth trying?" I jumped back in surprise when I felt Jack sitting beside me and his face just an inch away from mine. My breath immediately hitched as well as my heart that suddenly became alive and started beating loudly.

I think I'll die because of hypertension.

"Do you know what's worth trying?" He asked once again. I found myself staring back into his eyes that reminded me of a frozen sea.

"I-I don't." I responded, mentally slapping my forehead for having a lame answer. Jack leaned closer to my ear and whsipered.

"Loving me is worth a try."

"You're one narcisst bitch, aren't you?"

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