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Elsa Winters

"I wanna meet that Racquelle Corona." Those were the first words he said after I told my life story and to be perfectly honest, I am quite pissed. I was expecting him to sympathize and pity me because I had lived through a disfunctional family. He should sympathize with me and forget about Racquelle.

"I thought you--" I was about to protest when he interrupted me.

"Nah, I'm actually over you now. I choose Racquelle." He said shrugging nonchalantly.

Okay, I won't deny anything because it hurts.

I stared at him in disbelief, silently observing him. I tried to read gis expression but it seems like he's serious about this Racquelle thing. Geez, I should've known and just left all the details about her.

"I wanna mee--"

"Please don't come back to me when you found out that she's married and has four children." I said nonchalantly, trying to hide how affected I am. Here's the thing; when you're already liking someone and then they would tell you that they no more like you, you would feel the pain-- and that's my current situation.

I like Jack and I'm not going to deny things anymore because that would make everything clichè. Hearing him say that he prefers my cousin, hurts me more than all the slaps that I ever recieved from my father. My heart isn't the only one that's being wrecked here but also my huge pride.

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"What?" I countered.

"She's already married?!"

"Yep. She found herself loving a drug syndicate, Eugene Ryder but he changed because of her."I grimaced. You know what's really disgusting about their relationship? No offense but their oh-so 'mafia boss and fragile girl' like lovelife makes me cringe everytime. He changed for her because she actually found her way in his heart and her parents were not happy with their relationship so they tried to ruin the bond but they did not succeed and it ended up with Eugene showing to them that he's worthy to have Racquelle's heart and they got married.

See, it makes me vomit. Everything about them seems impossible. She's just a daughter of a middle class family and she would end up in a once drug lord. It's simply obnoxious, no offense. 

You're just bitter because Jack doesn't love you anymore. How sad.


"Now, they have lovely children." I spat, rolling my eyes. Jack must've noticed my change of mood causing him to let out a loud and annoying laugh.

It would be an honor to rip out your vocal chords, you disspassionatr fucker.

After all the nights you told me that you love me and all the hugs and kisses that you gave me, you'll just tell me that you don't like me anymore?! Please, kill yourself. You are a disgrace to your whole generation!

"What's funny? Do you want me to step on your balls or something?" I snapped, making him shut up immediately yet mischief still danced in his eyes as a grin made its way on his lips.

"You're jealous." He pouted.

"Of course I am! I like you and you would go and tell that you choose my cousin over my sexy hot and appealing body?!" I exclaimed, angrily. His eyes went wide because of my sudden declaration.

"Y-you like me?" He asked, stuttering like a poor person who's incapable of thinking properly.

"God, yes! I like you already! I L-I-K-E you!" I shouted in irritation. A smile grew on his lips as if he had won lottery.

"I love you so much Elsa!" He  exclaimed, throwing himself on me. "You know what, forget whatever I said earlier. I'm yours forever." He said, hugging me tightly whilst he nuzzled his head on my neck.

Then, I felt the familiar tug on my heart which made me smile. Somehow, it nice to have that feeling again; the feeling of relief that you will never be lonely because you have someone on your side who will love you until the end of times.

Fuck you Racquelle, I got my main bitch back. See, it proves that I am more handsome than anyone else because I could make him turn back to me in a mere second.

"It's good to know," I let my fingers run through his silver locks. "that you're mine forever."

"Does that mean we're officially a couple?!"

"Nope, I'm not confirming anything yet." I giggled. Oh wait, he already knows my story and I still haven't heard his!

"By the way, tell me your story, life story to be exact." I started taking my hands off from me which made him hug me even tighter. "I-I'm not some fluffy stuffed toy, Jack!"

"To me, you are!" He exclaimed like a child.

"Geez, just tell your story so you could get the fuck off of me." I grumbled. Jack moved his head, facing me in a way that his chin is placed on my shoulder.

"Don't you want me anymore? Don't you like me anymore?" He pouted again.

Why is he acting like a total child? Now, I regret telling him that I have this attraction towards him.



"Please, tell me your wonderful story." I sounded like I was begging already. But I don't care. It seems like it's unfair for my side because I told him my past yet he wouldn't share his.

"Well, it's not as dramatic and--"

"And unfortunate? Come on, I told mine. Now, it's your turn to share yours, Brother Jack." I persuaded as he shook his head.

"No, no, not unfortunate but mine is not as captivating as yours." He responded, smiling.

"I don't give a damn. I wanna hear hoe you grew up. How many siblings you have. I wanna know if you have loving parents that I never had. I wanna know how you met Evelyn." I rambled.

"Fine, as long as you won't call me Brother Jack."


"There you go again being a bitch. Now, I'm starting to wonder why I'm still sticking with you." Jack sighed exhasperatedly, causing me to break into hysterics.

"That's because you love me!" I exclaimed, laughing. Jack was glaring at me which made it even more funnier. But to my surprise, he pressed his lips on my shoulder, immediately shutting me up.

"Quiet down, mon cherie. I will start telling the tale of the Marvelous Jack."


i've been crammed with so many works plus i gotta keep on reading about jose rizal's "the reign of greed" because our teacher loves to do some surprise reporting. It's so effing stressful.


What a progress!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all!


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