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Elsa Winters

"Where are we going?" I asked, stumbling upon the messy magazines and Chinese take-out cartons lying on the floor. I pushed these horde of garabage to unveil my shoes but I'm afraid it went somewhere else. Jack must've kicked it to another place without noticing it but I swear, I took them off right here--

"Looking for your shoes?" Jack exhaled, raising up my pair of old sneakers. I held my arms out, gesturing him to just throw them to my direction. He seems hesitant and just before I could tell him to throw it right away, he spoke. "I'm not doing that. You might lose them again and we would be late."

"Late for what?" I asked. After out heart-to-heart talk, he suddenly burst out from his seat, saying that he would be right back. I was already enjoying the comfort of him but I was left alone and cold again. But not long enough, he came back with a smile and told me that we are going to somewhere else but didn't specify it-- which to be perfectly honest, annoys me as hell.

"You'll see." Jack grinned as I rolled my eyes in response. I trudged my way to him and immediately grabbed my sneakers from his grasp. His gaze followed my actions and frowned at the sight of my shoes. "You should buy new shoes."

I shrugged. "What's the point? I'll just worn them down again--"

"Those lookin' nasty as fuck!" He exclaimed, his nose crinkling as if my worn out shoes are the most disgusting things on earth.

What a bitch.

"Well, your face looks nasty too!" I retorted back, causing him to chuckle.

"Bitch I'm fresh and you're crusty." He smirked but I wasted no time and slapped his injured arm as a response, making him wince immediately.

"Now, who has a nasty ass cut?" I asked, smiling victoriously. Jack looked at me, asking for pity but I decided to just shrug it off. "You're lucky that you have me and an advanced first-aid kit."

"Why, thank you, mon cherie for letting me remember the time that you stitched my arm without having any proper anesthesia--"

"Hey! Don't sound too ungrateful, okay? I did what's good for you." I scolded, making him roll his eyes.

"Wear this." He tossed me a navy blue hoodie with some white snowflakes decorated on the front. Looks pretty decent but I could tell that it's somehow old.

"Who owns this?" I asked.

"Mine, because you don't have any proper clothes." He responded curtly.

Why does he needs to let me borrow his things? I mean, I have my valuables which are still usable. My Dora the Explorer jacket would still do.

To my surprise, he grabbed me by my hand, yanking me out of the appartment before locking the door with his keys. The view from the glass windows presented a "We're getting late so we better hurry the fuck up."


"For Pete's sake, stop dragging me!" To my dismay, Jack had not listened to my pleas and continued yanking me. The cool wind is harshly blowing making my hair to fly all over the places. I groaned and tried to tame it down with my other hand but I still failed. I knew that once I got back home I would look like as if I was trampled by elephants.

"I couldn't help it when you walk like a pregnant zombie!" He snapped, grasping my wrist even tighter.

The scent of the glistening sea wafted over my senses, reminding me of how salty the sea is. I know that you thought I'll be saying something in metaphors comparing it to what I am currently feeling but god, I am starving which lead to my lack of interest in things and my incapability to form any meaningful thoughts.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now