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Elsa Winters

[F L A S H B A C K S]

Racquelle Corona is perfect.

Golden blonde hair. Green eyes. Pretty smile. Slim waist. Smooth skin. Pearly teeth. Kind. Resourceful. Intelligent. Graceful.

She's the daughter who's capable of taking their responsibilities and never disappoints or disobeys. She's the kind of daughter that every parents wished to have, including mine.  in the future  My parents would usually talk about her, mentioning her everytime we have dinner. They would praise her charisma and impeccable talent in arts.

They adore her more than I and my sister should adore our cousin.

No, I don't envy her. In fact, I found myself feeling different; it's not anger, jealousy, gratefulness-- it's something that I should've never felt.

I remember back when it was the Summer of year 2009, she was asked to visit and stay with us for the entire summertime. It was fun though. She, I and my sister, Annalise went to the lake that my parents owned along with the maids that would serve as our chaperones. Seeing a new environment, I refused to come near the lake, fearing that there are frightening creatures underneath that'll pull me down to the bottom.

So, I stayed back where the maids were standing with the towels and picnic baskets.  Racquelle was there with Annalise talking and laughing as they were getting ready to swim. That was when I saw her take off her floral lavender colored dress and carelessly drop it on the ground. My eyes went wide seeing her only in a little two-piece bathing suit. I stood there with mixed emotions. I don't know if I should look away but I knew that I couldn't look away.

It was as if she's a magnet and I am an iron-- I just couldn't be pulled away when she's around, radiating off her beauty.

She's too dang beautiful until now.

"You're still afraid of lake monsters, Elsie?" I was immediately cut off from my daze when I heard her voice. There she is, submerged in the water along with her friend, Kristine.

"Yeah." I shrugged, smiling. That was partly true. Yes, I am still terrified of those lake monsters but I get fidgety whenever she comes closer to me. That's why I keep a comfortable distance between us but I guess she never notices that I do that.

"Too bad, it would really be fun if you're here with us." She pouted, walking back to the land. As she strode, the water went lower and lower, giving me a beautiful view of her well sculpted body.

Her body was slender and her breasts were clearly perky beneath the skimpy top she had on. The look and the smile on her face told me to go and swim with her but I couldn't.

"You'll be starting middle school and you are still afraid of--"

"Don't scare the kid, Rac." Her friend, Kristine, had interrupted her. Racquelle turned to her friend who was also getting out of the water.

"I just want her to face her fears, that's all." She reasoned, causing her friend to shake her head.

"By the way, I gotta go. It's nearing four and I still need to stop at the ballet place." Kristine spoke whilst drying her hair with a towel. I was kinda glad at her for immediately diverting the subject. It feels weird talking about fears and stuff like that. That's why I avoid subjects like those.

"Gotta go, guys! Bye!" Kristine waved and grabbed her belongings, not even bothering to change her wet bathing suits. I guess she'll be changing her clothes inside the car.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now