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Elsa Winters

When I was still in high school, my hatred for school days, specifically, Mondays, was extremely high. Though I and my sister was enrolled at a private school, the Mondays there aren't different from the public institutions. We have to wake up earlier than the usual-- probably thirty minutes earlier-- because we need to attend the ceremony every Monday which is held at the grand auditorium.

It's surprising that my hatred for Mondays came back and the reason for that is: I already have a proper occupation which requires me to wake up earlier than I usually do-- oh boy, just like in high school.

That isn't the worst part yet. Jack, being the asshole he is, wakes me up with either banging those cooking pots or turning on the television with some hardcore x-video playing on full volume.

Sometimes, I wish that I could do the same with Jack but then, I realized I couldn't because he wakes up at four o'clock in the morning to prepare our breakfasts and the things he will be needing for the day. Talking about preparedness, I, on the other hand, doesn't give a fuck on what I'll bring to the office. I just grab my notebook and pen before shoving them into Jack's bag, ruining his carefully organized objects.

Geez, I've been shampooing my hair for like ten minutes.

"Elsa, you're taking too long in the bathroom!" I heard him from the outside, cutting me off from my thoughts.

"Can't you wait?" I screamed back, twisting the shower on and let the water trickle down to rinse the shampoo off of my hair. I was busy trying to get the shampoo all washed away but the shower curtains were pushed apart, revealing a stressed looking Jack.

"Oh, hey." I greeted him and continued rinsing my hair. Right before I could realize that I was standing stark naked in front of him, he immediately turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. "What the--"

"Shut it, okay?" He interjected, taking another towel and dried my hair by rubbing the towel on my head. Oh and I forgot to mention, it wasn't gentle towel drying my hair but it was the complete opposite of it. I stood there, holding the towel that's wrapped around my body while he harshly did his thing.

"If you only woke up a bit earlier than you used to, then, I wouldn't have to come inside and treat you like a little girl who finished bathing." He spoke as if he's scolding a child.


"You slept late because you were busy watching those Spanish telanovelas which made you woke up late." He took the towel off of my head and hanged. "Go and get dressed. The boss doesn't appreciate people being late."


"Good morning, Elsa." I only grunted in response, not really in the mood to make some little conversation. It's not that I do not like Jasmine, my co-worker, but Jack pissed me off by not letting me finish my breakfast when that meal is clearly the most important meal for the day.

God, I wanna strangle him.

"You seem to be in a bad mood. Are you having your monthly pe--"

"No. Jack's been a sissy." I grumbled, rolling my eyes as I ducked down to my desk to grab the folders filled with someone else's report. Once I had them, I dumped it on my desk and started proofreading their reports before I could pass it on our manager so that he could give it to the big boss.

Jack must've been sitting in the boss' office, slacking off because the boss seems to have a soft spot for him. I just wish that I could replace his position.

"... love's really complicated." Jasmine sighed, sipping from her coffee. Wait, was she saying something? She could definitely talk for hours about the same topic that's why I chose to just shrug it off, not even bothering to ask her on what she was talking about because I would be missing so much time and chatting my problems away wouldn't feed me.

As I was busying myself on paperworks and reading, I heard whispers from my co-workers who were probably distracted with something. Geez, if I were them and I would like to become successful, I wouldn't waste my time on talking something so irreleva--

"Elsa, Jack's in trouble." My thoughts were interrupted by Jasmin's urgency. Annoyed, I dropped my pencil and faced her.

"What now? Spilled coffee?" I snapped.

"I don't know! Vanessa told me it was something serious because she heard grunts and pleads from the boss' office." She explained, making me sigh exhausperatedly.

For Pete's sake, it's our first month in this job and Jack couldn't just do something properly.

Slipping on my blazer, I stood up and headed towards the boss' office. When I was passing the narrow aisle, I found my co-workers giving me worried stares which made me wonder about the most randomest of things.

He must've accidentally declined an important phone call from one of the boss' clients or he could've spoken unpleasant words, knowing his not really long patience.

He couldn't just keep a job for two months.

Once I reached the wooden doors, I didn't thought twice on entering. So, without any precaution or a knock that I was going to enter, I pushed the heavy doors open in which revealed a sight that took my breath away.

Ooh boy, I was taken aback not because something wonderful which surprised me but instead, I found the total opposite.

Mister Maverick, our boss, lied on top of Jack as he struggled to remove his pants. Jack, on the other hand, looked flustered and uncomfortable. I stood there, motionless and not having any knowledge on what to do because by the time I saw Jack in that position, my mind went blank.

"What a surprise." Mister Maverick smirked. "Little Miss Girlfriend is here to save the day or if she isn't in the mood for saving her boyfriend's white ass, I know she would be in the mood for something else."

"H-help me!" Jack squirmed, uncomfortably and that is when everything hit me. My mind that was once blank became filled with grotesque thoughts.

"You better let Jack go." I snarled.

"Oh, I'm scared." Mister Maverick spoke in a mocking tone as he ripped Jack's shirt. His gaze went down on Jack's body in which he lustfully touched him.

I felt anger rush into my veins and that was when everything went black. All I could remember was Jack slipping on my blazer as we both ran down the hallway with him wearing his snowflake decorated boxers and my ruffled blazer. We, then, ran into the busy streets of the city until we found ourselves in the pier, staring at the mesmerizing sunset while we were breathing hard.

I had two realizations. The first one is that; it was the most romantic getaway I've ever experienced in my entire life.

Secondly, Mister Maverick is gay.


how come do people have so much confidence on doing silly things? but that confidence becomes invisible when it comes to admitting his or her feelings to another person?(this doesnt have any connection to what ive written)

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Love yall!


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