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"You're mine forever as my best buddy!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him as I wrapped Jack into a killing hug.

J: "Y-you disappoint me."

E: "I'm not disappointed."

J: "Why do you always put me in friendzone?"

E: "I don't know. I guess I just like seeing you sad and hopeless."

J: "You're Satan in a woman's body, aren't you?"

E: "Eh, I'm a Christian."

J: "Some devils are pretending to be Christians."

E: "Yeah, like those priests who molest young boys."

J: "Some are even under the influence of politicians and drug cartels."

E: "They really need the perpetual help of Jesus." "Everyone needs Jesus."

J: "But in all honesty, I don't mind."

E: "You don't mind what?"

J: "If you were the priest and I was that young boy, I wouldn't mind you doing the naughty."

E: "You definitely need Jesus."



Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now