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"Why did you leave me?" Those were the first words that tumbled out of her tongue after the long amount of silence they shared together. Her eyes were still blue, bluest among all blues yet they were mixed with haze-- showing that the intoxication hadn't still worn off.

His gaze hadn't left her pretty face. The amazing physical structure along with the alignment of her eyes, nose and lips, are all identical to the woman he love.

Nonetheless, their personalities are greatly different from one another. His wife was gentle and soft, just like the petals of a rose. Delicate and kind, those were the characteristics that Jack had loved most about her. Most of all, his wife was straight.

Elsa, on the other hand, is a woman who acts like a true brute. Being delicate and soft are not part of her as person.

You could say that Jack is only attracted to Elsa because of the similiarites of Jack's ex-wife to her.

Jack is sitting meters away from her, contemplating on the actions that he'll make. At this point, the chances of making the woman his, is still high.

Sure, that proves that he's truly infatuated with her and he would do anything just to make her his. Using the correct words and flowery gestures, he could get her sign the contract in no time.

But, if he ever to do that, that could lose the infinitesimal trust that he had.

And he doesn't want to lose that.

"That doesn't matter, right?" She spoke once again. "You've come back to me and that's the import thing."

"She still hasn't noticed."

"Do you love me?"

He didn't answer.

"Do you love me?!" She screamed, but, he couldn't bring himself to talk. Frustrated, she rubbed her face with her hands. "For god's sake, I just want to hear that you love me!" Her voice went decibels higher, causing her to surprise the poor Jack. Seeing him frigid, she slowly approach Jack and wrapped her arms around him. Her face buried on his neck as her hot breath had fanned against his skin.

"I didn't mean to startle you, love." She whispered, slowly she hovered closer until she's no longer sitting on the mattress but on his lap. Elsa caressed his cheeks, feeling the smoothness of his skin against her palms. A smile slowly spread on her lips while her hazy gaze stared back at him.

"Your skin is smoother than before."

Her fingers traveled down to his lips, tracing them with her finger. Giggles errupted her and to his surprise, she leaned in, pressing hers onto his lips. It wasn't any heated kiss but it was more like a peck. The woman immediately pulled away, grinning widely at Jack.

A hurricane of emotions hurled in his chest while his eyes never left her face. A mixture of lust, melancholy and at the same time, a bit of joy, has whirled inside him, leaving him utterly confused.

"I missed you so much." She whispered with her tone dipped in humour. Unexpectedly, Elsa pushed him to the mattress, causing Jack lie on the soft bed with her on top.

Thoughts ran on his mind. Thoughts that were nothing but inappropriate matter.

Elsa, then, slid off from his legs and settled beside him. She snuggled closer to him with a contented smile on her lips.

Cradled in her slender arms, she held him tightly, thinking that it was her, her beloved lover that fled away in terror and hurt. She loved her so much that no matter what she does to forget her, everything still comes back to her, reminding her of the bitter past they had-- their love story.

Believing that she has went back to her, a genuine smile is imprinted on her thin lips whilst she sang the song that she and her past lover knew.

"Hold me close and hold me fast,
This magic spell you cast,
This is la vie en rose--"

The words embedded onto a beautiful melody were jumbled and somewhat slurred, yet, he still finds her singing breathtaking. Her voice sounded like the winter season, cold and soft. He lay there, his heart throbbing painfully, for the song that rolled off her lips, brought him the memories from the past that he tries to escape.

"When you kiss me heaven sighs,
And though I close my eyes,
I see la vie en rose,"

"What's with you and that song?"

"La vie en rose is my favorite song. Wanna know why?"


"Remember when we first met at a grocery store?"

"Yeah, I do remember that."

"La Vie En Rose was the song being played at the grocery store, at that particular moment when you accidentally slipped on a ketchup spill."

"Geez, Evelyn, don't bring those cringe-worthy memories!"

"No, I was only specifying things."

"Nonetheless, if I didn't slipped my way into your cart, you're probably taken away by some random guy who's addicted to marijuana and cocaine."

"I think I'd rather end up to a crackhead than having you spoil my grocery items."


"Just kidding!"

"Sometimes your jokes makes me wonder if your truly love me."

"I do love you."

"And I love you too, Evelyn."

"When you press me to your heart,
I'm in a world a part,
A world where roses bloom,
And when you speak,
Angels sing from above,
Every word seems to turn into love songs,"

"G-give your heart and soul to me,
And life would always be,
La vie en rose,"

He had broke into tears.

Jack gripped onto her tightly, tears streaming down on his cheeks. It seems like everything had turned upside down. She hugged him as if he's the only person or thing that ever mattered to her.

"Shh, it's going to be alright." She whispered, placing kisses on top of his head. "I'm here Astrid, I'm here."

That's when he snapped back to reality.

She's not Evelyn and she will never be Evelyn, the woman whom he love.

He's not Astrid and he will never be Astrid, the woman whom she love.

They were both crushed by love, causing their broken selves to look for love and affection in another people's arms.


This chapter is shitty and we all know it.

Im sorry.

Ive been having this so-called writer's block and it's hard because when you really wanna write something but then you couldn't.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all!



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