448 25 13

Elsa Winters

But, I am not that desperate either.

All of my friends and my family members knew that I am a woman who's bursting in pride-- which comes with advantages and disadvantages-- which means, accepting this stranger's offer would feel like I had simply stepped on my own dignity.

Oh and not to mention, what would my parents say when they'll hear that I'm now living with a guy under one roof?

They'd probably pull me back to their so-called family circle because I had finally bumped my head into a big hard stone and made me realize that being a lesbian won't make me successful but that's not what I want.

I want to them to pull me back to the family because they had finally accepted who I really am, not because they'd think that I'm no longer a gay woman.

"Excuse me, Blondie! I think your mind's floating." Jake's voice rang throughout the alleyway, bringing me back to me senses. Sighing, I turned around, my gaze meeting a pair of cerulean eyes that both gleamed in mischief.

"Awww, what a pretty girl you are." He cooed, grinning widely at me.



I'm no pretty girl.

I am a handsome girl.

I coughed, matching his mischievous grin while I walked towards him. "Why, thank you Jake."

"I know that you won't want to stay with me but--" He stopped, his eyes staring deeply back at mine. For a few seconds, I found myself drowning in the blue ocean of his orbs, making me realize how beautiful his eyes when it's up close.

"B-but?" I stuttered out, still mesmerized by the beauty of his eyes. Jake smirked before lowering beside my ear. My heart beat increased when I felt his cold breath tickle my bare neck.

His hand gently grabbed my hand and inserted an unknown piece of trash or whatever because I didn't paid attention to what he gave me. I was focused on how my heart beat erratically.

"Call me." He whispered in his deep voice, sending chills down my spine making me moan. I immediately closed my mouth after I realized what I've done.

He pulled away, standing even taller. "You smell bad but it doesn't matter, you're still hot."

Jake winked at me before casually walking away as I stood there, shocked and doesn't have a slightest thing to do.

I swear, I won't look at his eyes again.

I know you would. You would still look at those eyes because deep down you know it reminds you of her.

* * *

Delicious aroma of newly brewed coffee and the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies filled my senses, bringing me into a euphoric state, reminding of my youthful past filled with adventures and joy.

I could still remember the very first time I ever entered a coffee shop. At first, I was completely grossed out with the strong scent of the coffee but I eventually got over it and learned to love the smell.

The freshly baked cookies reminds me when I stole a basket of cookies from a local bakeshop as I raced back to the manor with a handful of it. My mother gave me a disappointed look while she watched me munch on the cookies.

Those times are simply wonderful.

"Do you think, I'll accept you when you barely look like a human?!" The loud voice surprised me. I looked around, searching to where the voice came.

"Down here, smelly."

How rude.

I turned my gaze to the ground and yes, she is correct. The woman who's nearly in her thirties is standing in front of me with a clipboard and my application form on her arms.

She's small, though.

"I can't accept you. You're too unsanitary." She said, crumpling my application form and tossed it on the trash bin.

I stood there, unable to move. Her voice is just so loud that made the other people stop their conversations and turn their attention to us.

Humiliated, I smirked and decided that storming out of the establishment won't do anything to me. Besides, midget had insulted me, so, why not throw a teeny tiny insult back?

"At least I do not look like a munchkin!" I responded in a sing-song voice whilst I glared back at her. Her dark eyes became shades darker as she jumped and attacked me.

Unfortunately, her attacks doesn't do anything to me. She looks like an annoying large cat who's clawing my cloth covered legs.

"How dare you?!" She screeched.

"How dare me?"

"Yes, how dare you say that I look like a munchkin--" Midget shouted. I shook my head and crossed my arms while she kept on scratching and clawing my leg, as if she's doing some damage.

"Well, I am simply stating a fact, madame."

"I am a sir, you imbecile freak."


A human who idolized Dora's fashion sense and has the voice of an annoying woman, is a man?

An effing sir?

She could be a transsexual, Elsa. Don't be too shallow minded.

"Oh, you're a transsexual, aren't you?" I asked out, tilting my head to the side.

I actually had thoughts about changing my sex yet I never did since I don't have enough money for the surgery and medications.

"A what?!"

"Woman who changed se--" I was cut off when he-slash-she, threw her clipboard away.

"Get out of my coffee shop! I don't want to see your dirty face ever again!"

I might've offended her.

With a huff, I picked up my duffle bag from the ground and walked out of the Farquaad's Bakery and Coffee Shop.


Never knew that life as a 10th grader is hard.

Farquaad is such an ass yet he's still lovable af.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all!


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