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Elsa Winters

I was walking down the street with my bags on both of my hands. For the tenth time, I got kicked out by the landlady because she was too disturbed by our lesbian orgy.

Funny how Astrid and I got out of that hell hole laughing like crazies. We never liked that place anyways.

Now all I need to do is to find her so we could look for another place to stay. I continued walking in this seemingly endless street until I reached to a small cafe.

I stopped there and to my surprise, I found Astrid. I was about to call her when I found her lips locked in another guy's mouth whilst her hands were tangled in his brunette hair.

Jealousy burned inside me as I let go of my bags and approached them. I grabbed the guys hair pulling him away from Astrid and punched him. I punched him repeatedly until I had his blood staining my knuckles.

"Stop! Elsa stop!" She screamed, trying to pull me away from him. I stopped punching his face was covered entirely with blood.

No one kisses my baby girl but me.

I smiled triumphantly at Astrid as she glared at me coldly. Those eyes that before looked at me with love is now replaced with anger and annoyance.

And I hate--

"Open up! It's the police!" I bolted awake, hearing the loud bangs against the wooden door.

Geez, the neighbors are fucking on Jack's door? Unbelivable.

"Open up, Mister Frost!" My eyes immediately went saucers wide while I averted my gaze to Jack, who's peacefully sleeping on the rug with his arms wrapped around a bottle of half empty rhum. We were both up till two o'clock because we were trying to reach the highest part of Demi Lovato's 'Stone Cold' while getting our asses more fucked up.

Don't ask me why-- we were drunk.

Now, I am sitting on the couch, sober, with a massive headache. I promised myself before that I won't drink too much because hangover will come and spank me in the ass. But then, I usually forget that promise once I saw those pretty bottles of whisky.

Jack and I passed out after he was done with his manly business inside the bathroom. I won't tell you what it was because I am trying my best to keep everything rated-PG.


"Could you shut the fuck up?! You've said the word 'open' for like-- I don't know, a thousandth time!" I screamed, causing Jack to stir and let out an annoyed groan.

"Elsa, if you want to shout like a crazy bitch, do it outside, not here!" Jack snapped, grabbing another bottle nearby, hugging it tighter to his chest. I rolled my eyes and nudged his back with my feet.

Jack was surprised by my sudden attack and threw a random pillow to my direction. "You could've ki--" I cut him off by placing my index finger against my lips and saying 'shhh'. He sent me a questioning look and was supposed to talk but he was cut off again by the loud bangs from the outside.

"If any of you won't open this door, we will have to tear it down!"

"Shit, why's the police here?" Jack asked in a hushed tone, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Who tried to marry a young prepubscent girl?" I asked back.

"I don't know." He responded, shrugging.

"You were the one who tried to marry that girl! They are probably here because the F.B.I found that you're a child predator!" I exclaimed in a hushed tone. Jack rolled his eyes and clutched tighter onto the bottle before drifting back to sleep.

Oh wow, so I'll be dealing with his bullshit?

I stood up and trudged my way to the door.

"Open up!"

"Shut the fuck up, okay? I'll be opening the door, chill your penises!" I shouted back, unlocking the door and opened it. There, a cranky looking woman with neon curlers on her hair, green face mask on her face, and a red Hawaiian patterned nightgown which nightgown which matches everything. Along with her are two police officers that looked pissed. One of them looked too young to be a police officer but then, everyone seems to look young these days.

"Missus Carmelita told us that you and your partner are disturbing their sleeping time--"

Geez, I thought Jack was going to get arrested for trying to marry a child.

"Uhm, yeah, I'm sorry for that. We were just celebrating because-- uhm, you know we will be no longer jobless." I responded, smiling. "I promise next time we won't be a disturbance to your resting time."

"Alright. Everything's fixed now." The other officer announced. "Dave, please escort Missus Carmelita back to her place. I'll just talk to--" He pointed at me and his collegue nodded his head, taking the old woman back to her room. The younger looking police officer turned his attention back to me, giving me a serious look.

He seems familiar though but I just couldn't remember where I had seen him. He's probably the police officer that asked me if where's the nearest prostitute house when I was walking down the street dressed like a hooker.

"Elsa, one of lawyers wishes to talk to you." He said with all seriousness.

Lawyers? Just because we were so noisy there is already a need for me to speak to the lawyers? Oh wait, how on earth did he knew my name?

"Excuse me?"

"They would like to talk to you about some important matters, business matters." He spoke, taking out a card from his pocket and handed it to me. My parents are simply unbelievable. After two years, they would just send someone because they wanted to talk to me?


Annoyed, I took the small card from his and tucked them in the back pocket of my trousers.

"Meet them today at three o'clock in the afternoon. The address is written on the card." He said, pointing at the card.

I frowned, raising my eyebrow. "Who are you?"

The policeman grinned and walked away. "You'll find out, Elsie!"

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