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Elsa Winters

After I was being dropped off by the police guy, whom I met when Missus Carmencita-- geez, I forgot her name-- complained about the noise going on in the apartment, a couple of men dressed in dark suits came to me. I was nervous at first because they all looked like the men in the movie 'The Matrix', so, I kinda avoided them by running into the building and getting into the elevator real quick. But I was immediately caught when I realized that one of them was in the elevator with me.

The guy with me isn't as scary as to the ones who were outside. Sure, he got those mafia bodyguard looks but his soft smile told me that he seems much kinder than those thugs.

"You must be Elisanna Marie." He spoke.

"I am." I responded curtly. Although he looks kind, his aura still screamed 'I-am-not-the-type-of-guy-you-would-like-to-mess-with'.

"Your mother awaits you." He said softly as the elevator dinged, signaling me that I arrived on the floor where my mother currently resides. "I'm afraid I couldn't accompany you inside, Madame. The guards by the doorway shall lead you to drawing room where your mother is waiting."

"Thank you." His gaze was intimidating, nonetheless, so, I had no choice but to keep my facing downards. I walked out of the elevator and the first thing that greeted me was the patterned marbled floors. The floors were actually polished until you could already see your reflection.

"You're welcome, Madame." Then, the elevator door closed.

I was again left with my own accord. I fixed my composure, seeing that everything that surrounds me costs more than my life. From the walls outlined with gold and onyx to the marbled floors and antique vases in each corner, they all look like billions of bucks. Now, I feel like I shouldn't move or do anything because if I did, I feel like I could damage it.

"Good afternoon, Madame." I shrieked when I heard someone speak beside me. As I turned around, I saw the two guards that stood on the other sides of the glass doors. They both have stern look on their faces and I must say, they would look better if they would smile a bit.

The two men pushed the door open and as soon as I caught a glimpse of what it is inside, my jaw dropped.

When I was younger, I was used to all of these luxury. I was used to huge mansions, statues made of gold, chandeliers of pure diamonds-- everything! Huge mansions are what I considered as normal homes. But ever since I ran away, I slowly adjusted to the environment and seeing this humongous penthouse of my mom, I could no longer consider this as a normal house.

I carefully stepped in, even ashamed of my dirty sneakers. Maids were everywhere; cleaning the big  windows, replacing the roses with another fresh batch of flowers, dusting the paintings, and wiping the mirror clean.

"Elisanna?" Her voice was still the same, soft, calm, and weak

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"Elisanna?" Her voice was still the same, soft, calm, and weak. I guess that's why she always gets beaten up by asshole of a stepfather. We seemed like a perfect family whenever the spotlight hits our direction; plaster up a smile, be the flawless daughter of the most perfect couple. It was tiring and it became one of the reasons why I left that dammned household.

As I stood there, the sound of click-clacking heels was heard and before I knew, she was standing in front of me with tears brimming on her eyes. Her auburn hair has streaks of white yet its vibrance remained the same. Her pale skin was still looking the same except that its flawlessness was gone for wrinkles and folds were seen. She still stood tall, just like how she always does whenever stepfather gives her a new bruise on her right cheek.

"Elisanna." She sobbed and rushed to me, her thin arms wrapping around me, engulfing me into a hug, a hug that I needed ever since I left. My wet clothes didn't made her flinch nor my ragged self. "I miss you. I miss you so much!" She pressed her lips on my forhead, tears still streaming down her face.

"How are you?" She asked, pulling away from me. "Do you like to eat? Drink? Tell me, dear and I shall give it to you." She wiped the tears away as I noticed that the golden ring that wrapped her finger was no longer there.

"Where's your husband?"

"Once you left, I immediately filled a divorce." She responded with a sigh. "Thankfully, he signed it without any word."

I nodded.

It's better this way. He's no longer here to pester our lives.

"Where's Annalise?" I asked again.

"Oh, she flew to Australia for her engagement." My eyes widened in surprise. I definitely missed a lot of things.

"How are you, Elise--"

"I prefer Elsa, Ma." That made her smile.

"Of course, Elsa. So, how are you?" She asked again. Her gaze darted to my nose, a frown forming on her face. 

"Why is your nose swelli--"

"I'm good."

"I wonder why you didn't brought that Jackson boy from the apartment that you lived in." As soon as those words rolled off her tongue, I was left speechless. Had she been stalking me the whole time? My gosh, she must've seen me doing weird things with him.

"He's quite charming." She hummed and I felt the heat travel up my cheeks.

"He surely is."

"Are you two a 'thing'?" She inquired with a slight uncertainity in her tone. I sighed. She must've thought that I was still dating Astrid in which I am totally over with.

"It's kinda complicated." I responded truthfully as I felt my heart clench at the thought of him.

"Is there any need for me to go there? Or do you want me to have him here so I could talk to him?" Her questions made me frown. "Did he hurt you? Is he abusive?"


Kinda, especially when he nearly choked me to death but it was my fault. If I hadn't humiliated him, then, I wouldn't get choked.

"No, need for that. And no, he's not abusive."

"Well, that's good to hear. If he laid a hand on you, I will make sure that he would get prisoned immediately." She said in a dead serious manner which somehow made me raise my brows.

"Since when did you man up?"

"What do you mean?"

"Since when did you realize that you should stand up for your daughter?" Those words surely had made an effect for I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes. She's still my mother and I do not like seeing her hurt but then, she was one of the reasons who caused everything. If she hadn't covered up for her husband's bullshit and hadn't sided with him in his wrong doings, I wouldn't be rude enough to hurt her.

"I--" She hadn't finished her words because she had burst into tears. "I am sorry if I chose him over you. I was-- I was in love with him that time and I was scared of losing him--"

"So, you'd rather lose me than him?" I asked with a bitter chuckle. "I am you daughter for Pete's sake!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Elisanna." She sobbed. The sight of her begging for me to forgive her broke my heart.

For the thousandth time today, I sighed.

"I missed you, Mum."


forgive me if the picture doesn't match the description. i just couldnt find the exact photo that perfectly describes on what ive had on my head

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