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Elsa Winters

The sun was nearly up when we went back to the appartment. We weren't supposed to go home this late but Jack, being frantic about his ex-boss waiting at the appartment door, he decided to just roam around the beach doing nothing but just sit on the sand while we stare into the ocean. It sounds nice and romantic but if I were to be perfectly honest, it isn't.

After that extreme running, all I wanted to do was to stare at the sunset for awhile and go back home-- that simple. I did not want to stay at the beach too long because I would be getting sand on my shoes and I don't want that.

So, after having Jack to calm down, we went to a local twenty-four seven Chinese restaurant and ordered ourselves some greasy noodles-- everything's greasy here, by the way. We ate in silence while we exchanged some weird glances. It was an unusual happening because no one's trying to bring up a simple conversation.

Once we finished our meals with no words spoken, we went home and it was the time when the sun was slowy rising up.

Tired, I removed my shirt as I was left with nothing but my pants on. Jack doesn't seem to care about me going around the house half naked and I don't really care if he does that too.

So, I laid on the couch, stretching my limbs a bit as I readied myself for my slumber. Tomorrow will be Tuesday and I would not bother to wake up early since I am jobless and so is Jack.  

Before I could finally close my eyes to sleep, I felt him push himself into the tight space I have. Grunting, I was forced to lie sideways, facing him so that I could give him the stink eye. Jack shrugged at my reaction and squeezed himself through until I was no longer lying on the couch but on him.

"For fuck's sake, go to your own fucking bed!" I exclaimed, not being able to keep my temper within me. He didn't replied and instead he wrapped his other arm on me, sighing deeply. My cheek as pressed against his bare chest and I could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat. It wasn't slow yet it wasn't normal either-- it was fast as if he was anxious.

I could tell that he was bothered by the commotion that happened earlier. I couldn't blame him for being traumatized. If I were in his position, I would also feel the same, terrified and dazed.

"When he was on top of me, all I could think was your reaction. Would you take his side? Would you choose to shout at me because I had let him do that to me?" He rambled, his nails digging deeper onto my arm, creating little cresent-like shapes on my skin. "I'd never expect you to do that for me-- punch him in the face and run away with me."

Hearing those words from him made me chuckle. If he was thinking about my shinning shimmering  reputation, well, I don't give a damn about it. My reputation of being a parents' good little girl was long gone.

"Don't you trust your best buddy? I mean, come on, man! We've been together through thick and thin-- you did everything for me and I think it is righteous to return the favor to you." I responded, smiling.

"Thank God. He gave me someone like you." He whispered, kissing the top of my head and tugged me closer to him. "I am very lucky to have you."

"We're both lucky to have each other, Jack."


I sat on the kitchen stool, waiting for my coffee to cool down. It's five o'clock in the morning and I felt like I don't wanna sleep anymore Jack's consuming most of the couch's space, leaving me suffocated. He has a bedroom with a nice fluffy mattress yet he does not sleep there. He should really give that bedroom to me instead.

I lifted up the mug to my lips as I felt the hest radiating off the mug. I blew, trying to make the cooling process a bit faster before taking a little sip from the mug. The bitter taste of the coffee seeped down my tastebuds, making me relieved. I smiled, savouring the delighting taste of my newly brewed beverage but a knock on the front door had interrupted me.

Placing my coffee down on the table, I walked out of the kitchen and passd by the living room. Jack was still there asleep on the couch with his right arm dangling freely. I sighed and went to the door in which I opened it without any hesitation.

"Letter for Miss Winters?" The mailman asked and I nodded.

"That's me." I responded as he handed out the clipboard with a paper attached for me to sign on. After I was done signing, he took it from me and gave me a light pink envelope. Muttering a simple 'thank you', he dashed away and I gently closed the door, not wanting to wake up Jack. I proceeded to the kitchen and sat back down on the stool before I opened the letter. I was too ecstatic to know who was sender of this letter. It could be my secret lover or the landlady who I destroyed her windows. The sender could also be Mister Maverick sueing us.

Inside the pink envelope was a neatly folded scented paper with my name inscribed on it. I unfolded the letter as the sweet scent of the paper wafted over me, reminding me a meadow filled with different sweet-smelling flowers and dewy grassfields.

Geez, I could really get high by just sniffing on these.

Trying my best to ignore the delightful scent, I focused back unto reading the content of the letter. All of the letters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, commas, periods, and apostrophes were all written in an elegant cursive.

The sender would never be that landlady because she has some nasty handwrittings.

Dear Elsa,

I was supposed to drop on Jack's appartment but knowing him, he wouldn't appreciate seeing me talking to you even though I had cut all the strings that were once attached to you. I couldn't also bring myself to talk to you because I've done so much damage to you and to Jack. So, I've decided to try my very best to write a decent letter. Jack knew how bad I write paragraphs and he used to laughed at me. I might have a pretty handwrittings but I'm not really good at making sentences.

Anyways, can you do me a favor and tell Jack that I am sorry? Please tell him that I am sorry for calling you and him unpleasant names and for slashing his arm with a broken glass. I do hope he was brought into the hospital because the cut was too deep.

Also, please tell Jack that I am sorry for trying to steal you away from him-- that was a pretty bitchy move. I love him and even though we only share the same father, he will always be the brother that I ever wished to have. He was more than a brother-- he was my knight in shining armour.

Elsa, I know I also did some pretty damages to you too and I am sorry for it. I liked you and that was the truth but then, I realized that I only liked you because I was craving to have a sisterly figure beside me.

So, I would be asking another favor from you. Can you please take care Jack for me? Please give him all the love because he deserves it. Jack is a great guy, you know.

Once he loves you, he would never ever let you go. He would treat you as if you're the rarest diamond in the whole universe. He's ready to give up his life just for you; that's why I'm begging you to take care of him and treat him just like he treats you.

I don't know when we would be seeing each other but I do hope we wouldn't.

It's too early.



i was supposed to update next week but then, who tf cares. i update whenever i could write a decent chapter.

Do you think that Emma's dead?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love yall!


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