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Elsa Winters

Astrid and I walked down the hallway, pushing ourselves into the sea of teenagers who are busy chatting or simply just loitering around the hall. With my hand interlocked on hers and my other gripping on my books, we slid through the tiny spaces while trying our best to avoid the jocks and the bitches until we finally reached our lockers.

"So, Elsa, what's your favorite animal?" Astrid asked, her gaze focused onto the padlock as she pressed the correct pattern beside the numbers irked onto the iron padlock.

"I have so many favorite animals but polar bears stand out the most." I responded truthfully, shoving my books inside my locker.

"I was expecting you to say that you like dogs or cats--"

"I like them too! Animals are too cute to be hated!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I really do wish that you'll like my birthday gift."

˙ ˙ ˙

For the past thirty minutes, we've been walking through this seemingly endless street with no one even starting a conversation. He hadn't spoke nor made sound since twenty-nine minutes ago-- and so, did I.

With our hands still interlocked tightly, I wouldn't deny the need of release of my hand from his. My hand does this weird thing, that no matter how cold or freezing the temperature, it would still sweat, as if it's summer or exposed to the aggravating heat from the pits of hell.

The good thing is, even though I could feel my hand slowly dampens, he does not complain. Well, he's the one who wants to hold my pretty hand, so he obviously should suffer from those consequences.

He abruptly stopped walking, causing me to stop walking just like a little puppy waiting for her owner to make an action.

Poor Elsa.

Just this night, Elsa.

"Before anything else," he spoke. "I would like to take you on the club for some drink--" I had cut him off with a glare, in which, I am quite lucky because he had immediately shut his mouth up.

"Just get everything done, I don't want to deal with your bullshit anymore." It did sounded harsher than I expected but it is for the best. He should know that I am and will never be interested in him and his silly businesses.

Jack looked up at me with a blank expression on his face. "Alrighty, then." With those two words, he dragged me across the empty road and to a place bursting with nearly naked women who clings to men-- regardless of their appearance-- as they walk them back inside, acting like they're some girlfriends or something like that.


"You're taking me to a filth house for a drink? Nice." I said bluntly, causing him to chuckle.

"Babydoll, I won't take you there." He spoke gently.

"Well, I like it there. Booze, girls, boo--"

"Since you like it there, then, I'll be taking you to another place." Jack, then, dragged me and walked past the filth house, causing my heart to sink unto the depths of my stomach. I really thought I would be seeing beautiful girls shaking their bosoms in front of me while I drown myself in alcohol.

"You really do love to ruin my mood." I huffed but he simply ignored my comment. A few more walks and turns, we finally arrived at a wild party in someone's apartment. People were already loitering around, sleeping on the pavement and some were even kissing as if nothing mattered, not even their breaths.

Even from the outside, you could hear the loud thumping of the music and as well as the people's shouts and cheers. Jack grinned at my direction before pulling me into the party as the noise slowly ate my hearing senses. The apartment didn't even look like an apartment. The sofa was pushed to the corner, in which, three girls were busy sucking their faces off. The narrow wooden coffee table was made into a stage, thanks to the lady whos dancing and exposing her parts to her audience. Bottles were everywhere and as well as the drunk people who are doing their best to dance along with the music, trying not to fall onto their feet. I actually like watching drunk people dance because it's entertaining and not to mention, they never failed to make me laugh.

It's not my first time to be in these wild parties but hell, it has been a long time ago since I had been into these types of gathering-- probably four months ago, I was partying with Astrid and ended up sleeping in that place.

"Jackass, my boy!"

Did I mention that he didn't remove his hand from mine and instead he wrapped his whole arm around my waist, to prevent me from running off?

I didn't, did I?

Now, I feel like I am being crushed to death by his manly hug with his friend because he did not let me go. They both hugged, squishing me in between the two of them. Luckily, it was just a fast hug, so the other guy pulled away and slurred his words as he and Jack exchanged a little conversation.

"Wife's bein' a bitch! T-treatin' me like shit these days!" The man exclaimed, wobbling on his position before giving me loud smack on my shoulder. "'Ya know, your chick right here looks like her." He spoke with his hand slowly going up to my face but before it could land somewhere to my cheek or hair, Jack immediately swatted his hand playfully.

I looked up, seeing an annoyed looking Jack but he concealed it with a smirk.

"How about you get us a drink and we'll find seats?" Jack asked, smiling.

"Oh, okay!" Then the man disappeared, leaving the two of us surrounded by unstable dancing peeps. Jack dragged me to the secluded part of the place, even though it sounds impossible yet he still found a place where no one was dancing nor puking around.

I took this opportunity and forcefully removed his arm away from me, plopping down on the cushioned seat and slid myself to the farthest corner away from Jack.

He gave me a slight shrug and took the seat in front of me with a bored look on his face. At this point, I feel quite irritated because he is undeniably clingy and kept clinging on me, as if I am his some damn property.

Then, the man came back with some alcoholic drinks on his hands. Aggravated and at the same time exhausted, I grabbed the glass from the stranger's grasp, swallowing back the alcoholic drink, intoxicating my sleepy self.

"Don't drink too much." Jack warned.

"Why should I listen to you? For all I know, you're nothing but my friend's brother." I spat, grabbing another shot, tipping it a bit on my parted lips and let the bitter liquid to run down my throat. Grimacing at the powerful taste that had stung my throat, I averted back my gaze to Jack, who's smirking at me.

"Well, I'm just concerned that after many shots, you'll make horrible decisions."

"Like what?"


It's been awhile since i had updated. Tbh, ive been zero(when it comes to writing this chapter) for the past few days.

Luckily, i was able to write one!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Love yall!


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