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Third Person Point of View

It was definitely a long day for the two of them. Elsa and Jack had roamed around the town square, seeking for job opportunities that could pay them good. The two had been rejected by so many botiques and little companies which made Elsa's patience grow thinner.

Oh and not to mention, Jack kept on hitting on her; throwing a couple of corny pick-up lines and poems, in which some had made her cringe and some made her blush. 

After hours and hours of searching, they eventually stumbled to an office that accepts undergraduates, in which the two immediately applied. The interviewer was quite hestant to accept the two but they got accepted anyways because of Elsa's talented self.

Now, the two had stopped in the little playground that is situated in the center of the town square. It was a peaceful and quiet place because there were no children nor other people that loitters around.

Elsa immediately took the swing, dropping all her belongings to the ground and slid herself in. A slight giggle escape her lips as she rocked a bit, causing her to swing back and forth.

"I miss being a child." She pouted while Jack stared at her weirdly. Her brows rose in confusion and was about to ask when he spoke up.

"Well, you could always go back on being one."

"It's not thay easy, Jack." She sighed, pushing herself back and letting go. She swinged back and forth, closing her eyes and let the breeze hit her skin.

Jack stood there, mesmerized at her. He wouldn't deny anything, he wouldn't deny that he had found himself slowly falling for the girl who loves a girl. He likes her not only because of her unique beauty but also her boyish and strong attitude.

As complicated as it seems, Jack is still determined to have her-- even though it's already impossible since she shows no affection towards him.

"What if I'll date your sister?" She heard him ask, causing Jack to choke. "I could ask her out for a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant."


"You know, I've been thinking about courting her and al--"

"Try and you wouldn't want the things that'll happen to you." He snarled, annoyed.

He's not really concerned about Emma's relationships because he knew that his sister wouldn't go around the town and date random men but what he's concerned about is Elsa being with another else rather than him.

In simple words, he's jelly.

"Why? Afraid that I'll leave you for her?" She teased, using her foot to stop her from swinging. A smirk grew on her lips, adding to the flame that grew in Jack's chest. "Are you scared that she might fall in love with me and then, we'll get marri--"

"This country doesn't legalize same- sex marriage, just in case you don't know." He snapped.

"I have my ways, Jackie-boy. I have ny ways." She smirked.

"That's it."

Jack rushed in front of her and kneeled down on his right knee. She was caught off guard by the sudden action but she was only more weirded out when he held her hand within his.

"I know it's too early and this is to prevent you from marrying my sister. I also believe that prevention is better than anything else-- so, will you marry me?" He rambled out, causing her to laugh hysterically.

"What the heck? Geez, Jackie-boy! I was only joking!" She exclaimed in between every laugh. "I never knew that you're this overprotective with your sister!"

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now