282 19 3

Elsa Winters

The morning came along with the bright sunshine and headache that greeted me 'good morning'. I swear it isn't the best feeling to get especially when you had just woken up from your beauty sleep-- no, scratch that--I haven't got any sleep last night because I was debating whether I should go or not.

Meeting my parents at this time isn't something that I would do. Well, I planned it when I had runaway from home, I would show up when I'll be receiving my share from their company which never came.

Since I never had gotten any cash in my bank account and they only froze my account, preventing me from touching my money, I would never show up in front of their faces until I'm already an effing rich person who could buy their whole empire company.

I do have wonderful but ridiculous dreams, don't I?

Even though my head's pounding like hell, I still continued my chores and made breakfast.

Well, Jack doesn't do those household chores and he doesn't cook good food, that left me with no choice.

I flipped the gorgeous as fuck pancake, making sure the other side is cooked. Golden brown and it smells delicious-- yummy! After a few minutes when it is already cooked, I transferred the pancake to the plate beside me.

I stared at the pancake with a wide smile.

"You look as beautiful like mommy." I said, smiling widely. It satisfies me whenever I do something and the outcome is beyond my expectations. Just like this marvelous pancake.

"Seriously? Talking to pancakes?" I heard someone spoke beside me. Oh. he's not only a random person but a douchebag who really loves ruining my day.

"And? What's wrong talking to pancakes?" I asked, turning to him. His arms are crossed on his bare chest while his lips were kept in a tight line. I felt my cheeks reddened when the things that we did last night flashed in my mind.

"It's stupid and very childish." He spat.

"Do you think I care about your stupid opinion?" I spat back, raising my eyebrow. If he thinks he's superior then he's wrong. He's nothing but a fucking guy that only wishes to get laid but never gets any.

Jack chuckled deeply and rolled his eyes. "You think my opinion is stupid? What do you call to a person that talks to food?" He asked and grinned as if he'd won.

Fuck him and I'll just continue cooking. At least food respects me and doesn't bickers back unlike this asshole.

"Whatever." I turned around and continued cooking my dear pancakes. I do hope I got the right mixture and texture because I'll eat all of these, leaving Jack the crumbs for him to eat.

"Hearing you say 'whatever' annoys me so much." I heard him grumble, making me grin immediately.


"Shut up."




"I dare you to say that word again."


I kept flipping these pancakes as I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. Cold breath fanned the side of my face and I tried my best to ignore him as I focused on cooking. His lean and strong chest pressed on my back. I flinched in surprise when I felt his ding dong jolt awake and now our clothes are the ones that separates his willy and my behind.

"You know what?" He whispered, sending chills that made me shiver under his towering self. He breathed deeply, tightening his grip on my waist and it bothered me.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now