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Elsa Winters

Most of time, Emma had her arm wrapped around my waist as she conversed with the guests. She smiled, asking them about their lives letting their little chat go further away from the topic before she dismisses herself as we go to the another group of people to do the same thing. It seems like she perfectly knew what she will say and what she will do-- like a typical socialite.

Emma had introduced me to them as her close friend and I still couldn't find myself relating to any of these people. I smiled at them, gretting them as they would compliment me. These people are probably those rich snobby folks that looks down on someone like me.

Geez, sometimes, I should really work on my self-esteem. Jack's cringe-worthy compliments made me feel a lot more worse than uplifting my spirit. No wonder why he never attracted m--

"Hear me out ladies and gentlemen, for I will announce the names of those who are the candidates for our bidding!" The emcee announced, causing the crowd to clap.

Emma shot me grin, grabbing me by the wrist as we headed back to our table. "Where's Jack?" I asked. Despite whatever happened last night, I still would want to know what had happened to him. I haven't seen him for over eighteen hours and it has been bothering me ever since.

"Don't worry about him, love. He's just somewhere with another businessman's daughter." Emma smirked, intertwining our fingers.

'Somewhere with another businessman's daughter.'

Are you kid-- I'm happy for him. At least, he'll find another person to lo--

"Elisanna Marie Winters! Josephine Garnett!..." My eyes widened in shock when my name rolled off the emcee's tongue as if he's announcing the winners-- we're not the winners, we are the losers. Why? Because it seems like we are the ones who will be sold off to some ugly ass white billionaire man who would want us to get on our knees and suck his dick, in exchange for the money that went to the charity. 

Sucks, right?

"Why did you signed me up?!" I blared, causing Emma to look at me questioningly.

"Don't blame me! I don't know anything!" She exclaimed defensively.
"I don't wanna go there!" I grumbled, to Emma.

"Just go."

"But--" I was cut off when she pulled me closer, planting her lips on my ear.

"Don't worry, love, I'll get you before he does."



Elisanna Marie is now up for the auction!" The emcee annouced, turning to me and gave me a slight nod. That was my cue. I stepped out from the dark. As I carefully walked-- trying my best not to trip in these six inch heels-- the spotlight had turned to me.

It was bright, nearly making me blind but I am lucky enough that I had reached the center part of the stage without totally burning my eyes off. My eyes tried to decipher the view from here yet I failed. I couldn't see any faces because the lighting is simply too bright--

"Alright! Let us start the bidding!"

"Ten dollars!"

What the fuck? Am I really that ugly to be bid for ten dollars?

"A hundred dollars!" Another man had shouted.

"Two hundred--no, five hundred dollars!" I heard Emma shout, making me smile.

"Five hundred dollars! Going o--" "A thousand!"

Geez! Wil they stop and just give me to Emma?

"Five thousand!" I heard Emma shout, causing the audience to cheer.

"Ten thousand!"

"Fuck off, mate! Fifteen thousand!" Emma cussed.

"Thirty thousand!"

"Thirty-five thousand!"

"It seems like there's a tight fight between Emma Frost and Mr. Black!" The emcee giggled as well as the audience.

I couldn't help but to ball my fists in anger. Being in this damned stage, isn't fun at all. Why? Because you seem like an object to these people's eyes as they try to win you and brag you as a trophy that they are the richest. It feels degrading and--

"I'll take her! Five hundred thousand!" I caught a glimpse of the silhoutte of a slender woman sitting on the farthest corner and boy, I could imagine a smirk on her face-- you know, the usual villian in movies. But what can I do, she bought me and my dignity.

What a total package!

"Ooh, another female taking interest in our candidate! Her stunning looks had caught not only men's hearts but also women's!" The emcee spoke with a smile. "Sold! Sold! Sold to Miss Josie!"

Who the fuck is Josie?

Oh man, this woman should be worth my dignity or else I'll ditch her crying over her five hundred thousand dollars, in which I don't really care.

"Miss Elisanna, you are being requested by Miss Josie." I was being guided down the stage with the emcee as he extended his hand for me to take it. Confused, I reluctantly held his hand before he dragged me to the farthest corner of the hall-- probably to where that Josie bitch is.

"No one really has bidded that high for a woman like you." He spoke, chuckling.

That was offensive.

"Excuse me?"

"You may pass." Annoyed, I abprutly took my wrist out from his grasp.

"Oh I may pass? Well, thank you because I could finally go home now." I snapped. "Fuck you and your damn auction!"

"Miss Josie would not appreciate that kind of attitude." He grinned, chuckling.

"Like I care, bitch." I rolled my eyes and I was actually planning to just ditch and run faster than any ostritch could do but he immediately grabbed me by the wrist again as he yanked me towards her table.

This so-called " Miss Josie" is sitting alone whilst sipping a red wine. Her straight black hair fell above her bare shoulders. A black velvet dress accentuated her curves, showing off her unusal broad shoulders and biceps. The color of her hair and dress had completely contrasted her pale complexion, making me realize that I knew this person-- I knew this person.

"Miss Jos--"

"Bitch, stop calling him Josie. He's no Josie. He's my Jackie boy."




Anyways.... Jack is probably a girl now.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all!


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