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Elsa Winters

Oh, how ironic my life is.

Back when I was in third grade, I was bullied by a big bitch named Darcy yet we call her Petunia because she has this obsession with petunias. Every morning when I'll be having my recess, she would come up in a dress decorated with pink petunias and gobble my recess.

At first I was okay with it, thinking that her parents never gave her enough food which made her eat my own snacks but when I learned that her parents were the co-owners of a toothpaste company, I threw a fit.

As a little third grader, I confronted this big Petunia bitch. Ooh, I was fuming angry that time and when I had reached her fatty lair(behind the school in which she has all other snacks from small children), I shouted at her and demanded her to give me back my snacks.

If you expect her to cower and cry, you're wrong. Petunia bitch laughed at me and threw a banana peel or whatever that was at me. It was humiliating and not to mention, it was truly irritating.

So, I attacked her.

But she was bigger than me and she picked me up, as if I am some dust, and pushed me away, causing me to stumble on the dirty ground. Furious, I was about to lunge again but someone stopped me, pulling me away from her lair.

The little boy brought me to the infirmary and left me there because he went to the principal to report the incident. To be honest, I was not thankful for him saving me.

I am no princess that needs some prince.

From that day, I promised to be the knight in shining armor and not the damsel in distress.

But like I said, life is full of irony.

Years later, I became the damsel in distress who was nearly raped by a blonde pervert. Then, the knight in shining armor appeared, saving me from my agony.

Clearly, I could handle that perverted bastard. I could even castrate him wih my own hands!

"Your whole spacing out thing is quite cute, babydoll." He smirked, tucking his gun on the band of his jeans. Rolling my eyes, I brushed my hair off my shoulder and gave one last glare onto Hercules who was unconsciously lying on the ground, naked.

Don't ask me why, it was his idea.

"Ignoring me hurts my ego, mi amore." He said, fake grimacing whilst he repeatedly hit his chest.

"You're drunk, go home."

"And where do you think will you go, sweets? Live in the alleyways again and get bullied by grade schoolers?" Josh-- John-- whatever the fuck his name, teased.

Well, he does have a point.

Going back to the alleyway would mean kids or even adults trying to pick up a fight on me and not to mention, the passersby that never failed to offend me by throwing their garbage at me.

Why does life--

"Go find a jjob dumbass."

Nice. See, my inner consciousness really knows how to make me feel better.

"There you go again, sweets, you're spacing out." Jay spoke, chuckling to himself. "If I were you, I'd come with this handsome talking guy and live in his warm abode. The rent's free, so, you don't really have to bother about it but I would really appreciate a nice se--"

Before he could finish his words, I punched him in the face. Obviously, he didn't expected the punch, so, he stumbled backwards to the bricked walls while groaning in pain. I stood there, smiling in victory, despite the pain throbbing in my knuckles.

Joshua, on the other hand, glared at me as his hand rubbed his jaws. I glared back at him, letting him know that I wouldn't let anyone just step on my dignity easily because I treasure it more than anything.

But, after a few seconds, a mischievous grin had spread on his lips as he gathered his composure. "You owe me."

"Owe you what, old man?" I frowned.

He let out a deep chuckle that seemed to rumble throughout my system, causing my heart to beat rapidly and my stomach to churn.

Let me just remind you that I do not like him, I just find his laugh very sexy and hot.

"You owe me for punching me straight into my face, old woman." He responded, kneeling down to pick up the leather jacket that laid on the ground. Smirking, he tossed it on his hand to the other and then threw it to me. I was lucky enough that my reflexes are working properly that made me catch the jacket and prevent myself from humiliating.

"But before you could repay me for your debts, wear that first. I don't want guys staring at your provocative undergarments." He said, shaking his head. "And make sure to zip the zipper because I don't want to embarrass myself that people are seeing me with a boobless girl."

My mouth fell open with the words he had just uttered. He just did not insult my boobs. I know they're small but they aren't supposed to be insulted!

"Fuck you." To my surprise, he immediately pulled me, pinning me against the wall with his head lowered down to my level. Swallowing, I stared at his cerulean eyes that held mischief and at the same time the strong feeling of lust. His grip onto my wrists, tightened, as if he doesn't have any intention to let me go.

My heart pounded on my chest like there's no tomorrow.

A smirk grew on his lips, making him look more dangerous that he usually is. You know, I am really not the type of girl who would faint in the simplest things in life but the words that escaped his lips nearly made me faint.

"You're right, snowflake. The only way for you to repay me is you in my bed tonight."


I've been trying my very best to come up with chapters!!!

My teachers bombarded us with endless projects while the exam week would start tomorrow and I'd be like sitting in my bed, typing for the next chapters of my stories.

What an inspirational person.

Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Love yall!


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