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n o t e :

Most of extras are just conversations of Jack and Elsa. Therefore, it doesn't much describe of  the happenings around them. 

Hope you enjoy! 💕💕

"Porque! I love him, mama!"

"Mierda! You are only talking bullshit. He's no good for you!"


"You cannot be with him!"

"But, I love him and he loves me!"



"Selene, he's a poor man. He will not bring..."

A Spanish telenovela dubbed in English has been playing on the television for already three hours now. The two people who were watching this show are already passed out on the couch, their limbs intertwined with each other as empty packets of biscuits and chips surrounded the two.

After a long day, they felt the need to rest, so they did. It wasn't supposed to end up like this-- it was clear that they had planned that after watching a couple more episodes of this telanovel, Jack would head back to his room and sleep.

Elsa sat there, eyes blinking repeatedly. She wanted to sleep so bad but she couldn't move. She couldn't just move away and interrupt Jack's peaceful sleep. She's not that selfish.

For the fiftieth time, her lips parted and drew a loud yawn. Her fingers ran through her hair, trying to keep herself awake despite the need of her body to sleep.

"Placido, I truly adore you but mama would never approve our love!"

"Selene, I do not care on whatever they say. I love you and I will fight for our--"

The words became unclear as her eyelids shut tight and that was when she found herself slowly drifting to Slumberland.


There she stood in the balcony of a castle made of ice. She didn't knew who owned the place yet still she found herself walking around as if she already memorized every corner it has.

As she was staring into the vast land coated in pure snow, she felt sadness looming over her chest. The cause of the sudden sadness was odd. She wasn't sad nor happy-- earlier she felt nothing.

"Elsa, please go back home. He will never be suitable for you." The voice sounded familiar and as she turned around, her jaw dropped in surprise.

It was her sister, Anna. She stood there, clad in a warm clothing to prevent her from getting chills. Her face was contorted into a frown while she proceeded towards her.

"You are a lot better than him."

"You cannot do anything!" Elsa was suprised at the words that escaped her lips. She does not even know what her sister was talking about.

"Elsa, I--"

"We are meant together! Why can't you accept that?!" She shouted, mentally questioning herself on why was she angry at Anna. Who are they even referring to?

"No! You are not meant together! He's what? A stupid folklore that is told by elder people? You should stop believing in him! You are the queen of Arendelle and a queen should never be a lovesick delusional woman!"

Elsa was even surprised by her actions when she harshly threw the tiara that settled on the folds of her hair. She truly has no idea yet it also seemed that she knew what was going on.

Confusing, isn't it?

"Then, be the queen. I did not aspire to be a snobby leader who would just sit on her throne dictating every single thing--"

"You cannot just throw your obligations away!" Anna exclaimed.

"I can when and I would rather be a commoner if it means that I would be with him!" She shouted back.

"Why? Are you even sure that the love you both have for each other is true love?!" She snapped.

"Yes and I can assure that!"

"You do not know anything about love, Elsa. All you ever did was to shut people out." Anna spoke, words escaped through her gritted teeth.

"If I did not know anything about love, you should have been dead years ago!" Elsa shouted. Somehow, she felt pain digging through her chest even though she has no idea what was going on. That seemed to enrage Anna even more because she wasted no time and grasped Elsa by her wrist, yanking her away.

"You will come with me whether you like it or not! He is someone lower than you--"

"I don't care. Jack is the one who I love and I am ready to do whatever for him."

Then, the scenery-- Anna's enraged self, the ice castle, the vast lands-- it all disappeared because of someone giggling beside her. Elsa stirred, feeling the weight on her was no longer there. She stretched and opened her eyes, seeing the white haired boy laughing all by himself.

"What's so funny?" She asked, raising her browsn confusion.

"Uhm, I don't know. I'm just really happy." He mused, grinning at her.

Elsa shook her head disapprovingly. "You're going nuts."

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now