389 22 10

Elsa Winters

"Go back to your houses, now!"

The British accent bounced on the walls of the alleyway whilst the scurrying of children were heard as well as their hushed whispers. I still hadn't moved a muscle and had my head buried under the woollen material I have wrapped around my body.

Once the alleyway was silent, the clicking of pointed heels against the pavement was the next thing I heard.

"Are you alright?" The sweet voice that obviously came from a woman, reassured me that I am safe. Looking up, I saw a woman dressed in a red coat and a bright yellow boots clad on her feet. Her brown hair is tucked up in a bun yet there were still small hairs that refused to be kept in place. A pince-nez sat on the bridge of her nose whilst a pair of hazel brown eyes stared back at mine in concern.


I felt my heart beat fasten its own little pace as the heat rushed up to my cheeks. I hate myself physically and emotionally for being so transparent when it comes to feelings.

Her perfectly arched eyebrows rose in confusion as she slowly kneeled down in front of me. I immediately froze when I felt her warm yet bare hand reached down on my forehead.

"You have a fever."

I never knew that the British accent made simple words sound better.

"I'll be taking you home. Besides, I'm living a few blocks away, so, a little walk wouldn't hurt." With that, she held my arms, helping me to get on my feet. At first, my knees were shaking-- probably because of the pretty woman standing in front of me-- but after a few seconds, I finally stood straight.

"Come on." She said and wrapped her arm around my waist, guiding me out of the alleyway whilst my cheeks were burning red and my stomach was fluttering all around making me feel like a lovesick puppy.

Well, I couldn't help it. She's pretty, kind, and thoughtful. The traits of the perfect girl I ever wanted are already in hers.

Yet, you still love her.

* * *

"Here's your soup."

She placed a warm bowl of chicken soup in front of me. The scent of the delicious made my stomach grumble in hunger. I haven't ate since a week ago and thanks to the bitch who banned free bread at the local supermarket.

I mouthed 'thanks' before I picked up the spoon and dug down into the soup.

"You remind me of my brother." She spoke, taking the seat in front of me. I paused from devouring the soup and flashed her a questioning look. The girl sighed and took off her glasses and placed it down on the table. To be honest, I was stunned when I saw her mismatched eyes. The right one was hazel with specks of blue while the left one is plain dark.

They both have different shades yet it still reminds me of chocolate.

"Well, both of you have blue eyes, pale skin, same lips-- everything! Except for the hair, you got more like the yellowish shade!" She rambled, her eyes lighting up in joy. "You are the girl version of him!"

I coughed.

"I ship you two!"

Oh, the pain of being paired to another person who you obviously don't like.

I nodded and forced up a smile, trying to look like I am interested with whatever she's rambling about her brother. I just wish I have this courage to say that I wouldn't want to be paired with her brother but to her. I want her not my look alike or his look alike-- geez, I don't even know what I'm saying!

"What's your name, by the way?" She asked.

"Elsa." I responded curtly before I proceeded back to eating my soup. The girl squealed and slammed her palms against the table causing me to spill my soup on the table. I sighed, seeing the food slowly dripping down on the ground.

I could've eaten those.

"Jelsa! Your ship name would be Jelsa!" She screamed, as if it was her battle cry.

Please just kill me.

"Oh, I spilled your soup, didn't I?"

I nodded.

"Oops, my bad."

* * *

For the first time in four weeks, I had a very comforting bath in clean and warm water. It doesn't mean that I didn't get baths when I was living in the alleyway-- the water in public areas aren't really that clean plus the soap I used was a detergent bar and was never good for the skin. Luckily, Emma(she told me her name after shouting Jelsa repeatedly), offered me a bath. She gave me a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo which are extremely fragrant.

After my bath, Emma gave me clean clothes and undergarments to wear. I'm quite glad that she handed me a large sweater and blue pyjamas but the one that bugged me the most is the undergarments.

And I swear to god, these lace thingies are the clothes that I wouldn't buy nor dare to put on my body.

A set Agent Provocateur black lace lingerie laid on the mattress, waiting for me to put them on but the thing is, I couldn't wear these things. Not only they are dang expensive but I hate exposing and provocative they are.

These could make any woman look sexy and rich but that's not what I am trying to achieve here.

I am more on comfort rather than looking good in the eyes of the people. I'd rather wear normal undergarments than those expensive yet quite itchy type of clothes.

But you only get to wear expensive clothes once in a life time!

I sighed.

I guess being vain a little bit isn't bad.

Debating whether I should wear these or not, I decided to just try it on and if I am not satisfied with the results, I'll just ask Emma if she has another pair of undergarments.

I slide the lingerie on, adjusting it a bit before I turned to the mirror.

There, I found myself clad in one of the expensive brands of lingerie that I could never afford. The black lace one-piece undergarment hugged my curves. I watched my reflection in awe especially when I saw my usual flat boobs look a bit bigger.

I definitely look good in this and surprisingly, the lace doesn't feel itchy.

Just before I could wear my pajamas, the door bursts open, revealing someone whom I never expected to see.


It's surprising how I got really inspired and started writing 2 or more chapters a day.

But i know when the weekend ends, ill loose all the inspiration i have now.

I hope you like this chapter!

Love y'all!


P.S the photo above is an Agent Provocateur lingerie worn by Elsa. 

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