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Elsa Winters

"You stay here until I open the door. Do you understand?" I could tell that his guest is really important by the way he spoke to me. I wonder who his visitors are. It could be his mom, dad, girlfriend, fiancee, ex-pornstar--anyone!

"I am not a fucking do--" The door was slammed shut and before I knew that I was pinned against the door, he had his hand pressed against my mouth, muffling whatever I'm gonna say. Without his smelly hand covering my face, I swear, our lips would be touching.

Hot-- just kidding. That would be the most disgusting thing that could ever happen in my entire life.

"You're my bitch now." As those words tumbled out of his lips, I couldn't help but to shiver-- not because I have fetishes about dominant-slash-submissive but I am shivering in pure disgust.


"You're my little bitch now, Elsa." He repeated, causing me to laugh but he only pressed his hand further. "Do you understand me, bitch?"

I nodded.

Besides, what could I do? He had his hand that smells like shit on my face-- of course, I gotta get rid of that!

Jack had let me go, pushing me back, as if I'm not human. But I'll just let him swallow his asshole attitude and become the asshole of all assholes because I have a plan prepared ahead.

Go and enjoy treating me like shit. Once it is the right time, I'll make sure that you would be double fucked up in the ass.

Jack gave me one last glare before he closed the door, leaving me grinning to myself. I still sat there for a few minutes, assuring that he went and did his business before I made my first move.

Sliding myself off the bed, I walked to the nightstand and grabbed the house phone. I stared at it for a moment, trying to recall the numbers she had gave me.

"One two four--aha! Got it!" Excitement took over me and I was already furiously pressing the numbers on keypad of the phone. Once I was finally done, I pressed call. It took a several rings and a few "Sorry, the other line is unattended or out of coverage area," before my favorite girl had answered.


"Hey, Emma, is Jack having any visitors today?" I asked, trying to keep my excitement low.

("Yep. It's his girlfriend and the mom of the girlfriend. He's discussing things about getting married with her and such.") She explained. ("Does it concern you?")


("W-wait, you're jealous, aren't you?") She asked, squealing on ther other line.

This wasn't planned. She wasn't supposed to say "you're jealous" line--" whatever, I just hope that it will turn out the way I wanted it to be.

"Y-yes. I realized that I already fell from him when he took me into his appartment and--"

("I will never let my favorite ship sink!") She announced proudly, causing me to grimace.

I thought she had let the so-called Jelsa ship go.

("I will help you, Elsa! What do you want me to do?")

At least, my plan's working.

"I actually have a plan in mind and I want to use it." I said, smiling. "Would you bring me some lingerie and a whip--"

("You're planning to get it on with him?")

What the heck?!

I'd rather hang myself with that whip.

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