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Elsa Winters

"Do I look okay?"

A frown crept up my face when someone had took the magazine away from my hands and tossed them somehere in the corner. Whenever I was being interrupted, I usually cuss and burst in anger but I couldn't bring myself to do that because I was too busy thinking about the ladies wearing two-piece swimsuits with glistening tan--

"Elsa, are you even listening?" Jack's annoying voice popped my bubble of thoughts, causing me to let out a frustrated sigh. I averted my gaze to him and found Jack clad in a black polo shirt that had a few buttons open as the sleeves were rolled up. His silverish-white hair is styled back, making him look quite mature and responsible-- wait, that word never goes with him.

"You do look okay." I responded blandly, not really interested in what he's up to. He flashed me his famous panty-dropping grin as he plopped beside me. "But your buttons aren't fix--"

"I'm going to sell myself for Emma's education." He blurted with a hint of despair in his voice.

Oh yeah, that one. I forgot that he still hadn't found any job to accept him because he kept on saying that his handsomeness could only blind the customers that he will be encountering. 

"Wow, going all prostitute, aren't we?" I joked.

"Apprently, yes. I have to d--"

"You're not going to go around the town, acting like a callboy." I said, making him chuckle.

"Oh man, are you getting jealous, my lesbian Elsa?" He asked, his voice laced in humour.

This guy is definitely the stupidest man I've ever met in my entire life. I remembered a few days back, he told me that he realized somethin-- something about selling himself is a bad thing and now he's going to come up to me, asking if he looks alright because he'll go out to find some women, who are desperate to have some fuck in exchange for cash?

Don't get me wrong, okay? I don't have any attraction to this guy because; one: he's annoying as fuck; two: he's undeniably stupid; three: I am a lesbian(duh); four: he thinks irrationally; five: I have my full interest to Gigi Hadid in her Victoria Secret lingerie.

"I'm not." I answered truthfully. "I just don't like the people to think that I decided to live under a roof with a hypocrite."

"Ouch." He said, holding his hand to his chest. "I'm a hypocrite."

"Yes, love. You are the biggest hypocrite." I grinned.

The white haired boy chuckled, leaning closer to my direction. "I'll swallow all your insults without hurting myself because hearing you call me 'love' is enough."

"You disgust me." I grimaced.

"Whatever. Go and get dressed because you're coming with me."


"According to your data, you didn't finished college. Am I right, Miss Winters?"

"Yes, madame. But I assure you that I am capable in doing tasks as much as the one's who had graduated college." I explained to the woman who did nothing but asked me questions which left me bored to death and not to mention, irritated.

"Our company requires someone who had graduated college and not some drop out." The interviewer snapped, rolling her eyes. Her gaze went back to mine as she shook her head. "Frankly, I am not going to accept you."


"Thank you for wasting my time, missus." I sneered and grabbed my data from her grasp before turning around to exit the room.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now