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Elsa Winters

"So, how's life?"

"It's great."

"Are you Jack's girlfriend?"

"N-no. We're just roomates."

"Ah, I see."

It's nice to see her again despite the unpleasant things that happened between us. That doesn't mean that if you've ever broken ties with someone else, you would act like a snobby bitch and treat them like trash. Being bitter about the whole 'break-up' thing won't you get anywhere. Move on, besides there's millions of people out there.

"How did you find me here?" I asked.

"Oh, someone told me that you already lived here." She responded, placing back the cup of coffee unto the table before gracefully folding her hands on her lap.

She never changed.

"Astrid, I--"

"Elsa, where's my shirt?" My eyes went wide once I heard Jack calling out my name. I decided not to reply to his call because he would probably just shrug it off and sleep again. "Come on! I already gave you my favorite sweater and now you're going to steal my shirt?!" I heard him grumble from the bedroom which made Astrid laugh.

"Oh-dear, is there something happening between you two?" She asked between her soft giggles.

"N-no! We're just friends who likes to hide each others things-- yeah." I replied too quickly but she seems like she didn't noticed it and was somehow convinced with my answer.

"Elsa, give me back my shirt." I looked back to the doorway of his bedroom, seeing Jack half-naked standing there with a grim expression on his face. "You're wearing my shirt." He sighed.

"And we have a visitor. Why don't you go and get yourself another shirt before you take a sit beside me, so that I could introduce you to her?" I asked in a sarcastic yet polite tone, making him roll his eyes.

Geez, he could be a diva sometimes.

His gaze darted to Astrid and I saw his expression darken for a moment before he shot her his signature 'panty-dropping-Colgate-advertisement' type of smile.

"Oops, I'm sorry for being rude. I didn't mean to interrupt your wonderful conversation about life." Jack spoke to Astrid, whom I could tell was mesmerized by him.

"I-it's alright." She stuttered, smiling back at Jack. He averted his gaze back to me, giving me a glare.

"I'll be back once I found another shirt that doesn't smell like your lavender scented detergent." He scoffed before turning back into his bedroom, slamming the door shut.


"Are you sure you two are only friends?" I heard Astrid asked as I turned back at her and nodded.

"Yep, we're definitely only friends."

Friends who occastionally makes out, have a near-sex experience, and admits that they love each other.

We're definitely just friends.

"Are you sure?" She giggled. "So, you don't mind me stealing him?" I blinked at the words that tumbled off her mouth.

Is she fucking serious?

She went here telling me because she wanted to talk to me and cope up with our lives today. I suppose flirting with Jack isn't part of her plan... or was it?

"I-I wouldn't mind." I stuttered out. "But I'm sure his boyfriend will." I added, mentally congratulating myself for the great chose of words. Astrid stared at me as if she's not buying on whatever I had said earlier.

"H-he's gay?" She asked.

"Super gay." I grinned, causing Astrid to frown in disappointment.

"Yes, I'm gay." Jack plopped down beside me. I couldn't help but to notice the white lacy shirt that he was wearing-- wait, it isn't any shirt but the only dress that I ever own. It seemed like a shirt to him because he's taller and he's lean compared to my body structure.

The dress hugged every figure of him, including his biceps which made it look like the sleeves are going to burst any moment from now.

I do hope he wouldn't ruin it.

"Wait, is that Elsa's dress?" Astrid asked, eyeing the white material that Jack has been wearing for a minute now.

He smiled and nodded. "Yes. We looove to share clothes!" I nudged Jack, trying to let him know that he's being exaggerated about it which could make everything a lot less convincing.

He sent me a wink before wrapping his arm around my shoulder, bring me closer to him. "She's like a sister to me, you know." To my surprise, he pressed his lips on top of my head and giggled. My cheeks burned red as I averted my gaze from Astrid to avoid any suspicions.

"And I love her so much! We're basically super best friends!" He exclaimed, causing me to let out a laugh.

I pushed him away despite my body wanting to stay under his touch. "You're such a fucking dork."

"But you love me." Jack winked, giggling loudly. He, then, turned to Astrid, who eyed us weirdly. Jack shrugged that expression of hers and began to question.

"Do you have any love interest? Men? Women?"

"He's already taken." Astrid sighed.

"Why, that's saddening." He pouted. "But don't worry, there are still many fishes in the sea just avoid shrimps and then you'll get yourself a nice man!" He spoke in a sing-song voice. 

Then, the three of us fell silent. It always made me wonder on why whenever Jack is around, he would make everything awkward. I believe his crazy antics drive people into feeling unwanted.

"So..." I started. "Ho--"

"What brings you here?" Jack interrupted.

Her smile faltered into a thin line as she drew out a long sigh. "To be honest, I came here to ask for your help."

"What kind of help? If it's about financial, we couldn't help you." I responded truthfully. Jack and I lost our jobs, neither of us are making an income-- wait, I'm the only one who's jobless here and does not have any money left. Jack, on the other hand, has thousand bucks stored in his account which was left by his mother. He feeds the both of and pays the bills with his own money.

Wow, that makes me feel like a bigtime gold-digger. How embarassing.

"No, no. I'm not here for money." She replied, shaking her head.

"Then, what?"

"I need a place to stay for a month."

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