269 17 5

Elsa Winters

By the time the clock had struck six, I walked back to the living room with the letter in my hand. Questions rushed back and forth in my mind, concerning Emma's last statement. A sigh left my lips when I saw Jack sitting on the couch with his eyes fluttering shut which is obvious that he's still sleepy but he wants to stay awake.

Folding the letter, I tucked it on the front pocket of Jack's hoodie and sat beside him. He seems to not notice me for he was again back to sleep. His head is tilted on the side with his arms hanging without any support. Jack is pretty much neat when he's awake but when he's asleep, he's the complete opposite. He would roll, steal your pillows and grab your blanket. But if he feels like it's already hot, he would push all of those back to you, leaving you buried in a pile of rolled blankets and pillows.

Oh and that's not it.

Once you were done fixing the pillows back to their original position  and you are about to drift off to Slumberland, he would wrap himself on you until you could no longer breathe. He's a heavy sleeper and he drools a lot.

"I'm already awake and you staring at me so intensely makes me feel like you wanna murder me." I heard him speak which made me chuckle.

"So, you're awake now, huh?" I asked, moving myself closer to him and lay down my head on his lap. I brought my legs up to my chest and I am now basically curled up beside him.

"Y-yeah." He responded as I felt his fingers combing through my tangled mess which made me smile. A groan escaped my lips when he lightly tugged my hair. It feels orgasmic whenever someone does tugs my hair. He continued doing it until he was probably tired of doing it.

I shifted my position that I was no longer facing the flat screen television but his bare stomach. A gasp escaped my lips when I saw his thing protruding and his trousers were the ones that keeping it secured. Seeing it ignited something within me-- that's the nicest way to say that I'm turned on.

Jack must've noticed that I am staring at his buddy because he let out a nervous chuckle. "Sorry about that." His voice was more raspy than it was when he just woke up. I swallowed, sitting up as I watched him inch away. The atmosphere around us was awkward and he's the only one who's making it awkward because instead of talking about another topic to divert our attention, he kept silent.

And his silence isn't helping my case either.

So, we both sat there aroused and speechless.

It has been so long since I felt this kind of need. I prevent feeling all lustful because I knew things wouldn't go too well, for my case though. Whenever I feel the crave crawling up, I would give my very best to push the temptations away.

Yes, I could've become an excellent nun.

But for the love of the heavens above, my hormones are raging right now. It has been eight months since the last time I ever got into bed with someone.

"Els, you look sick. Are you alright?" He asked, concern dripping in his tone.

Of course I am not!

Geez, I feel like a female cat in heat.

"Are you al--" I had cut him off with a glare. He stared back at me with a 'I-didn't-do-anything' type of expression which made me want to laugh but I couldn't.

"I couldn't he--"

"Wanna fuck?"


The slight snores came out from his parted lips while we both lay underneath the messy sheets and discarded clothings.

His hair was untamed as they fell right above his eyebrows. I noticed the tiniest freckles that were spread across his right cheek to the other. You wouldn't be able to tell that he has freckles from afar. I bet all the girls he had kissed saw those freckles of him--now, I feel not-so special.

His lips were the softest of all that my lips had ever landed on. He kissed me several times yet I wouldn't get fed up with how soft his lips are.

For the second time, I am again lusting over him. I sighed, averting my gaze to the windows that are covered with blinds. Evening light was seeping through the slightly parted blinds, letting me know how much time I was passed out.

Earlier has been great which resulted to my sore body. Thanks to him for nearly breaking my limbs-- now all I want to do is to just lie down, stink, and die. Isn't it wonderful?

The loud sound of the doorbell had interrupted me from my hazy thoughts. I looked over and saw Jack still asleep. I couldn't wake him up just to open the door; that would make me an inconsiderate fucker.

But then, I am too lazy to stand up-- yep, he's opening the door.

Nudging him, he stirred awake and squinted in my direction before falling asleep again. "Jack, someone's out--"

"Els, that's just Marie wanting to sleep with me." He mumbled with a sigh.

"Who the hell is Marie?" I frowned.

"Oh, she's..." He hadn't finished explaining because loud snores came out of his lips.

"Thanks for opening the door." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

So, being the good Samaritan, I stood up and grabbed the nearest shirt that I could find. I am lucky enough that it is Jack's shirt because I would no longer wear pants. It's too long and it falls right below my mid-thighs.

I proceeded out of the bedroom and headed towards the front door. Actually, I am getting tired of this opening door thing. For the psst few days, I opened the door because a neighbor was asking us to lower down the television's volume while on the other day, the mailman brought Emma's letter and I was the one who opened up the door for him.

It's getting tiring and not to mention, very repetitive, to be honest.

The doorbell rang again. The person on the other side must be really impatient. Sighing, I unlocked the door and lightly opened it a little, just enough for me to see the hallway outside.

I was expecting to see some creepy creature or some policemen saying that they would want to use our bathroom.

But then, it was someone that I never expected that would show up.


It's Valentine's fucking day!

Ooh, i just love seeing couples smooch here and there--

(Here's a little rant.)

im being bitter about this whole hearts day cuz its the first time that i would admit my liking towards another person... so, i wrote my crush a letter(telling him that i like him and bullshit)

And boy did i get no reply!

I mean, he could just say: "sorry but i dont like you." I could fucking accept that... when a person says that he/she likes you, you confront them... at least tell them on what you feel.

unlike him who probably shrugged off my confession.

but im sure he read my letter. thats something, i guess.

(End of rant)

Anyways.... nothing happened between them, i swear. (i would be posting an 'extra chapter' once i finished the story)

i read smut but i dont write smut.

Who do you think is the person outside??

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love yall!


P.S. Happy Valentine's Day 💕

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