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Elsa Winters

The television had been playing some odd music for the past hour now; some love songs, to be exact. It's kinda making me bored but I couldn't change the channel because my little bitch had the remote control hidden away from my reach.

He told me that it sounds wonderful and it uplifts his romantic side.

We all knowt that once he gets all romantic, he would do something that I would never want. Let's just hope that he won't pin me against the couch and molest me.

The two of us are on the couch with his head resting on my legs. My hands ran through his soft hair whilst he drew random patterns on my leg. As much as it tickles and it is making me want to push Jack to the carpeted floor, I know I couldn't beacause he's injured.

I'm not that bad to do that to him.

I usually have this personal space around me but whenever Jack's around, that vanishes because he would take most of the space until he's already sitting on me.

He always does that and I guess, I already got used to it.

Tired, I tugged unto his hair, causing him to let out an unexpected groan. My eyes went wide as I immediately pulled my hands away from his hair, causing him to let out a laugh. He must've seen my surprised expression!

"I've been trying to hide the fact that I am so turned on right now." He said, his voice was deep and raspy. "That is your effect to me, babydoll."

"Well, that's quite inappropriate, child molester." I said as he carefully sat up and he was about to shove me when he realized that he couldn't because I wrapped his arm with some tight bandage.

Poor asshole.

"I am not a child molester!" He exclaimed.

"Not to you but to that woman who brought her daughter here-- you're definitely a child molester." I responded, chuckling. Jack doesn't look like he's pissed and he doesn't look like he's happy at me for pressing that subject either. Somehow, I feel guilty.

Nah, he deserves that for being a horny motherfucker who seems like he does not masturbate every night while moaning my name.

Yep, it does happen and I already got used to it. I mean, we're both men right? The only difference is that I got a vagina and he has a penis.

Jack frowned but his other eyebrow is raised, as if he's some kind of a diva celebrity or something. "Why, aren't you the meanie bitch of the west."

I mimicked his facial expression, placing my hand on my hip. "Why, aren't you the ugly frog that the princess kissed."

"At least I am a prince!"

"And you didn't denied that you're an ugly frog." I retorted, sticking out my tongue. "Doofus."

We both look like two five year olds quarreling over some chocolate bar. I guess that connects us together. No one lets their guard down and would continue to fight until someone would surrender. In short, he's stubborn and I am stubborn too.


That's the adjective that we have in common.

"You also didn't deny that you're a bitch!" He shot back, grinning, as if he had won the little argument we're currently having.

"Because I am a bitch. I am the bitch!" I announced.

"Wow, self proclaimed!" Jack clapped his hands like a retard seal, mocking me. I just let him be but it seems like he doesn't have any intention to stop from becoming an annoying seal. So, I leaned forward before taking a pillow and purposely hit his bandaged wound.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now