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Jack Frost

[ F L A S H B A C K S ]

"Where's dad?" My mother's gaze snapped to my direction once she heard me ask. These past few days had been odd because father was always away only to come back after three months later, saying that his business world has been really hectic and tight. But mom seems to frown at that.

"Business trip." She replied curtly but with a smile on her lips yet it never reached her eyes. "Don't worry. He'll be back soon." She reasurred, going back to her paperworks that laid on her table. I noticed the creases on her forehead, reminding me that my dearest mother is not getting any younger. Her cheeks and her collarbones are a bit shallower than she had before.

She always told me that joining zumba and engaging a healthy lifestyle would make her slimmer and yes, she did became slimmer. But if I were to be honest, I'd rather have her looking more plump than looking like a bag of bones.

Mother must've noticed me that I still haven't left because she dropped her pen and looked up to me. "If you want something, tell Suzy or the butler. I'm sorry if I couldn't attend you needs."

"It's alright, mom." I replied, nodding before I exited the studyroom. The hallways were always dark, just like I had expected. The butlers never opened the curtains because they told me that mother doesn't want to see the outside view. She's really not the outside type of person.

I hummed as I made my way back to my bedroom. I passed some of my relatives' paintings on the walls along with their photographs. Seeing them every single day makes me bored and undeniably creeped out. I mean, who doesn't? When you know they've been dead for like more than ten years-- more than the years that my mother had lived?

"Sir Jack." I was startled by the butler who had interrupted all my train of thoughts.


"Your father has arrived with an unexpected guest." Gilbert responded monotonously.

"Who?" I asked.

"A pregnant woman and a little girl."


"How could you do this to me, Jackson? I accepted that little girl because she was an accident caused by your idiocy!" My mother blared, her eyes turning bloodshot red as she glared down at my father and the woman, whom I guessed was his mistress.

"I couldn't help it, Elisa! You being away and distant from me is stressing me out!"

"That will never be a valid reason! How dare you bring that filthy woman and her filthy children on my house?!"

I looked at them back and forth. My gaze landing on my mother's and to my father's and to his brunette mistress and to the little girl that sat on the couch, who's also staring back at me with her big brown eyes.

"I have the right to bring them here because they are my family too!" My father shouted back.

"It seems that you have no respect left in me." Mother spoke quietly yet her eyes were in raging fire. "I will give you two minutes to drag your prostitute and her child out of my house or else I'll be calling my lawyers--"

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