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Elsa Winters

Confused, irritated and mesmerized; all those emotions whirled inside me, creating a one big ball of questions. He sat there wearing a velvet black dress that hugged his figure, showing the curves that I never knew he had. His usual silverish-white hair is now covered by a black wig that fell just right above his shoulders. His boyish face is replaced with a softer features of him that my mind failed to recognize in an instant. Pink lips, kohled eyes, cheeks colored with rougue-- he's totally unrecognizable.

I should've known that he'll be pulling a stunt like this.

I stood there, not knowing if I would laugh or be angry at him for doing these silly things.

"Am I not beautiful, Elsa?" I was expecting a deep masculine voice that'll be tumbling off his colored lips, instead, a feminine one came out, immediately taking me aback.

If I were to describe it as a texture, I would describe his feminine voice as smooth, ultimately smooth. Whenever other men tries to speak in a female voice, you could recognize it's falsity and imitation but Jack's, it's different and I am sure it fooled everyone making them think that he's a woman-- including me.

"What. The. Fuck." Those words were the only things that I managed to say, causing him to let out a soft giggle-- oh lord, even his laugh sounds more feminine that mine!

"You always amuse me, mon cherie!" He spoke in his feminine voice whilst grinning at my direction.

The irritation within me boiled, making me want to just strangle him to death. Although doing that would cause me trouble, I would still gladly do that but not here, not now.

Probably later.

Annoyed, I dragged the metal chair and let it scrape against the tiles floors. It produced an unsettling sound and it makes me irritated even more but seeing Jack's scrunched up face due to the sound of the chair, made me immune to it.

Once I felt like the space is already enough, I plopped down. Jack glared at me before inhumanely chugged the content of his wine glass-- which is champagne, by the way-- all the way down to his throat.

Definitely appealing..

"You done now?" I asked, once he had placed the empty glass back to the table. With a smirk he nodded, like an obedient child. "You really have a lot of explaining to do, Mister."

An unexpected laugh escaped his lips
as his fingers ran through his fake locks, exposing a little bit of silverish-white hair of his. "I am no Mister, Elsa. I'm a mistress." His answer only pissed me off and it was evident in his eyes that he's enjoying seeing me all angered up.

"Tell me, Jack, what did you shove into your ass that made you like this?" I snapped.

"A dick."

"Geez, you disgust me." I shivered at the thought of him having a d-- wait, I almost forgot that I'll make everything rated-PG!

"Come on, sweetheart." He purred seductively, still in his feminine voice. "You know I was just joking."

"It wasn't funny!" I shot back.

"But I made you jealous." He winked.
"I realized that it is better to be a girl than to be a man."

"Come on! You only wanted to become a girl because I am attracted to girls!" I thought.

I laughed bitterly. "Why? So, you could get into my pants with your oh-so new sexuality?"

"My snow queen, that's not only it. I only don't want to be in your pants but also in your heart." Jack spoke, crossing his leg over the other with such poise and grace.

Oh wow. He had been bragging that he has the biggest dick and ballsack in the whol world. Now, how come he could cross his legs as if a penis doesn't exist between his legs?

Did he cut them off?

"But I really want to be in your pants-- like right now because I need some release." He added right away, giggling to himself.

"Stop with those cringe-worthy pick-up lines. It doesn't work." I responded, rolling my eyes. "And another thing, I am not wearing any pants or trousers. I am wearing a dress, duh."

"It doesn't work? Then, why could I see your ears turning red?" He asked, causing me to immediately become conscious about it. I immediately took the purse that sat on his lap and rummaged through it until I saw a compact powder.

This better have mirror in it.

I took it out, throwing the purse back to Jack making him laugh hysterically-- oh, and he's still laughing in his feminine voice-- as I opened it and brought it to my ear.

But then, I failed to see my reddening ear. I'm such a dumbass.

"You can't see it in that angle, Elsa." He said, smiling. "But I could tell that you're blushing."

"Am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Well, I was just ashamed that I am talking to a person who's as low as you that would change his sexuality just to get the girl of his dreams to like him." I spat. A hint of hurt appeared in his face yet it vanished within a second.

"When would I make you proud?" He pouted. "Whatever, I'm not ashamed because I really like you and I would do anything even if I have to catch those shooting stars for me to have your heart, I'll do it."

"Can't you understand that I like Emma and not you?"

"I do understand but that doesn't mean I can't have you." He smirked.

"You're only driving me away! It's impossible Jack!"

"It isn't, Elsa." Jack rose his fingers up, motioning for a waiter to come. I paused, once a waiter brought a bottle of champagne, opening the cap of the delightful liquor. The waiter tipped the bottle of champagne to the wine glass. I watched in amusement, seeing the yellow translucent liquid flow down to the glass. The bubbles went up and popped whenever they bumped to one another.

I miss being so high and drunk.

"Would you like to have ma'am?" The waiter turned to me, gazing at me questioningly.

I nodded. "Yes, pl--"

"No, she will not drink. You may go now. Thanks for the champagne." Jack interrupted. The waiter was hestitant to go but Jack had given him a deathly glare, causing the poor guy to scurry away with his bottle of champagne.

I would really like to have a drink. Jack is being a killjoy himself.

"As I was say--"

"I don't know why you couldn't understand that I prefer vaginas over penises!" I exclaimed, cutting him off.

"I should become a transsexual, then."

"Ugh, you're despicable." I let out a defeated sigh as I slumped down against the metal chair. It's useless to argue with someone who's stubborn, close-minded, handsome, irrational, and stupid.

God, I am unlucky to have this person.

"Yes. And pretty too." He responded, winking at me.

I must admit he looks damn beautiful in that short black dress. The way his hair and makeup had made him look more sophisticated and feminine-like.

He became the woman that every man would want and the woman that could make any women jealous. He's indeed beyond beautiful but the only thing that's a bit odd in him is the hard-on he has.


yay! it's nearing christmas!

and our classes had stopped two days ago because of christmas break!

yay! i just love december.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all!


P.S. jack is probably not gay

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