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Elsa Winters

As I left, I brought nothing with me but my bruised heart and the tears that stained my cheeks. The sound made by soles of my shoes resounded through the familiar walls of the building that I stayed for nearly a year. On every door that I passed, reminded me of the times when I felt nothing but pure happiness; they were the good times I will forever keep in a special place in my heart.

I descended down the stairs and out into the bustling city. Raindrops fell from the skies and into the concrete ground, creating the consequtive noise that others considered as relaxing; I, on the other hand, isn't different from them.

I started walking away from the shed and within a minute, I was drenched in water. Not that mind being soaked in rainwater, it's just that some people would view it differently and think of me as a mad woman who walks around the city under the rain without any umbrella. People could be judgemental, you know.

If he was here and saw me walking alone in the rain, I'm sure he would either join me or if he's bringing an umbrella with him, he would share it with me.

An hour hasn't still pass yet I could find myself needing him.

A sigh left my lips.

I looked up, seeing gray clouds pouring water unto earth.

Once I resolved everything, I would come back and spend the eternity with him; I promise that and these millions of raindrops are my witnesses.

I halted once I came to the pedestrian and crossed the road before any vehicle could cross. I thanked the heavens above when I safely arrived to the other side before I continued walking. Then, a black sportscar  abprutly stopped to where I was as the windows rolled down to reveal the driver. I frowned in confusion when I saw the familiar man seated on the driver's seat with sunglasses on.

Since when did he have a nice car? Since when did policemen have nice and not to mention expensive cars?

"You shouldn't be walking under the rain." He commented with a smirk.

"You don't tell me what to do." I shot back, rolling my eyes. When he didn't replied, I went on with my walking yet he drove slowly, matching my pace.

"I'll take you to your mother." He spoke.

"No thanks. I don't want to be with some creepy drug syndicate who pretended to be a police officer." I snapped, picking up my pace. Due to the fact that I was only traveling with my legs and he was traveling with a vehicle, he immediately caught up.

"I'm no drug syndicate!" He laughed. "I'm too handsome to be one."

"Suck your dick."

"Babe, if you won't get in, I would definitely die." He pouted. "Although he's not here to see your whole stubborness, he's monitoring me. So please, come in?"

Who the fuck does he think he's kidding?

"Like I said; no, thank you. I am happy walking--" My words got stuck from my throat when I heard him load a gun.

"Get in."


"I was told to bring you immediately to your mother's penthouse." He told me while his hands grip tightly around the steering wheel.

"Who told you that?" I asked, shooting him a serious glare.

"Ain't telling you that." He responded in a sing-song voice.

"Look, you kidnapped me at least tell me who your boss is!" I whined, frustrated at this whole bullshit thing. "I promise, I won't spill it to the police once I find my way out."

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now