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Elsa Winters

"I just can't keep my feelings hidden anymore because the more I try to hide it, the more it grows." As those words tumbled off her tongue, her hand reached up to my face, caressing my cheek with her thumb. I quietly watched the brunette, not knowing what to do or say.

Her confession had pretty much surprised me because I never knew she would like me back. But, the thing is, I just don't know how to react. On the last few days, her brother had been hitting on me-- saying that he likes me over and over again. Now, she's here, standing in front of me, declaring her affection towards me?

You might think that "Oh, she's so lucky because she has two people fighting over her!"

No, I am not lucky.


Because being stuck in a love triangle sucks. It's clear that you're already choosing the other one yet you cannot reveal it without hurting somebody's feelings.

I realized that it is better to be single than having two people fighting over you, as if they are playing tug-of-war.

"I like you, Elsa." She ended her declaration of affection with her closing the space that separated the two of us. Her arm snaked around my waist and her hand on my cheek. We are standing too close and I bet she could hear my heart beating so damn fast. I want to be with her for the rest of my life. I want her in my arms without fearing about the judgement of others. I want her more than anything else.

I like you too, Emma.

As clichè as it sounds, I inched my face closer to hers, wanting her soft lips to touch mine. Her eyes fluttered shut and so did mine and without any second, our lips had landed on each other. Her lips tasted like cherries, inmediately hooking me up. My chest exploded whilst sparks rushed through my veins when our lips started to move with synchrony.


The pleasure bubbling in my chest was popped once I had heard Jack groan from the couch. Emma pulled away, her face flustered and her cheeks turning in a light shade of pink.

"You're adorable." I hummed, biting my lip.

"I guess I should leave now." She whispered, smiling.

"You really should leave. If your brother sees you beside me, he'll definitely kill me." I joked.

"I swear Elsa, he'll kill me instead of you." Emma grinned before leaning in and pressed her lips against me forehead. "God, I'm so happy that we're both feeling the same." She pulled away, her thumb grazing on my lower lip. "I'll be seeing you next week. Goodbye." With that, she left me standing there with my heart beating loudly.

Good heavens! I'm in love!


The different channels had been flashing and disappearing for ten minutes now because Jack couldn't find the channel of a sexy latina woman who cooks delicious food.

"You seem very happy." Jack spoke, sighing exhausperatedly.

Well, who wouldn't be happy? Especially when you found out that the person that you like is liking you back?

"I just like being happy." I responded.

"You're being weird again-- damn this!" He exclaimed, clearly frustrated that he couldn't find the channel.

Poor boy.

After several presses on the remote control, he had already lost patience and just turned off the television. Since he has nothing to do, he fully gave me his attention.

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